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World's 2 most populous countries China and India. Both are autocratic governments, information is controlled by the government.... they will lie to its people and the world.

  1. China reports most recovered cases, deaths frozen at the previous number, epicenter Wuhan is open to business
  2. India has a high poverty, lying government, high lack of hygiene, one of the lowest hospital/doctor to population ratios in the world, you will see photos online of government and health workers wearing masks and using bare hands to touch people and faces... and it is still reporting a death number around 53. Just 53 for this land from where people travel all over the world? Who believes it is true? Malaria, polio and many other 19th century diseases are still prevalent there. Foreign journalists are not allowed to report on the pandemic.

Sadly, they will lie and the world will not take notice. Don't travel to either for at least another year.

Meanwhile, North Korea has already declared itself to be totally virus free... 🙂 []

St-Sinner 9 Apr 2

Enjoy being online again!

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India is the most dangerous country for women in the world.
The PRC? Missing 100,000,000 baby girls due to infanticide. Now there is a bride shortage so kidnapping of eligible brides is become a reoccurring problem.

That is correct. It more unsafe than Afghanistan and Somalia.


Of course you are correct that they are autocratic governments. But there are insufficient regions reporting data m the case of India at least. I am not quite sure about China. Insufficient information about cases is very dangerous with this disease.

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