A raging example of why I've had quite enough of all this religious BS. This, from my Sister - just yesterday, got my hackles up, after I told her her good thoughts were most sufficient ....
I pray for you because there is power in prayer and I have seen it again and again for the last 47 years. Good wishes are fine, but there is nothing to back them up. My biggest concern for you is leaving this earth without knowing the one who made you, who loves you, and longs to have a relationship with you.
Not church, not politics, not denominations, but actually knowing the living God, our creator, the one who made us and the entire natural world that you so love. This will be my message until my last breath. It is that important. If I die, I know where I am going, and would love to see you there one day.
Millions of people are not deceived, the message has not changed in 2000 years! The funny thing is, if you start talking to God, He will make himself known to you! It is amazing. You do not have to change who you are, just open the door to communication. On those nights when you can't sleep....start talking, get to know Him...tell Him you don't believe in Him and think this is stupid. Tell Him you are scared to death and this whole situation really sucks! Tell Him you wish your little sister would get off your case...(but she won't because she loves you).
Tell Him you are sick of all the hypocrites, and ridiculous behavior of "so-called Christians" Tell Him that you do not understand how any God could allow hurt and pain in this world....He can take it all, and you will begin to get the answers you so desperately long for....
There is so much assumption in this, and so much absolute lunacy. My response, while succinct and respectful, was not particularly kind. In no uncertain terms I warned her to back off - or the gap between us is likely to irreversibly widen. We're at opposite ends of the East coast - which would make that quite easy ! Gr-r-r
Her argument is so convincing and so similar to the ones that I hear from my ‘kin!’ These people are not going to change... is what I believe now. They have developed this image outside themselves and it is their lifeline...it is more real than if they were drowning and a real person threw them a lifeline! Their response would be that god heard their ‘pray’ and sent ‘you’ to save them! It is a narrative wrapped up so completely perfect in their minds, that nothing is going to shake it loose...and I do mean ‘loose’ ...as in small cracks to allow just a little new information to seep in.
This Bible has been the downfall of many persons...reading the same words day after day, year after year...that’s when the ‘words’ rob the person of their ability to reason or question the reality of God, Jesus, or a Holy Spirit! Then there is a preacher who works them over weekly and let’s not forget ‘Bible Study’ in between! They are hooked for life and now have a personal relationship’ with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit all wrapped up into one...their minds can take them there at any moment after it has been imprinted on every synapses in their brain! I see no easy way to free these people from their bondage.
Which leads me to the point that I have no desire to change anyone's belief system - knock yerself out Sister - or whoever - just leave me the F alone !
My dear, cherished, little sister. I love you, mental condition and all. I only hope that one day you will come to the realization that fantasy and reality are two different things, and that no matter how much you WANT something to be true, it won't make it true.
Religion is a mental affliction that is forced upon us by our parents and peers, and it is a tough, crippling mental disorder to overcome without strength and perseverance. I am here for you, to help you fight against your illness and help you overcome it. I hope I can live long enough to see you cured, and realize that one doesn't have to die to enjoy life.
Pretty much perfect.
My mom attempts this BS, I have learned to immediately hang up, return the letter, whatever. This is allowing their abuse and I won't allow that anymore. I did warn my mom ahead of time and remind her each time she attempts it before I follow through. It's just not worth it.
"The funny thing is, if you start talking to God, He will make himself known to you! It is amazing."
The thing is, If you start talking to other invisible beings they also might make themselves known to you; but it also might land you in a mental hospital and on medications.
It reminds me of a child trying to tell a story that is supposed to be important but comes off as a bit funny, even though you try not to laugh and upset the child but then it takes a weird turn that is rather creepy and sad. Sorry that you had to go through this, especially with all the shit that is coming down on everyone but be prepared for more of the same because nothing makes a Xstian weird like an end of time crisis, any crisis is an end of times crisis to a Xstian. Be Well, Stay Safe
thank you for your kind reply !
My father always preached to me. We could never be together without proselytizing from him. I tried telling him that I didn't believe what he did. I tried telling him that it would be easy for me to agree but it would be a lie. I tried changing the subject. The only thing that worked was telling him that if he started to preach, I would leave. I would come back to see him and if he started preaching, I told him good bye, I'll see you later, and I left. After I did that 3 or 4 times, he stopped preaching at me. Evangelical Christian's think it is their duty to convert. They have all sorts of reasons. They say it is because they want you to go to heaven, can't stand to think about you burning in hell for an eternity, etc, etc. It does no good to try to reason with them. You can only set boundaries and abide by them.
As you say, it does no good to reason with them, because logic and reason did not bring them(her) to their current mindset. Either they were brainwashed from birth, some trauma sent them spiralling into religion as a crutch, etc, etc. Having worked in hospitality for some years, i find a ready analogy between the committed religious person and drunk people, inasmuch as it is very difficult to convey information into the consciousness of a drunk. You may be trying to direct them away from danger, or toward something that they want, but the alcohol, a CNS depressant, prevents them from grasping the situation. It is not necessarily so that they are hostile to you, or the information you are trying to convey, it is just that they have a reduced capacity for cogitation.
Enter religion, where so much irrationality must be locked down, and logic not be allowed to seep into the cracks of doubt, lest the whole structure of "belief" comes crumbling down.
I had a very religious cousin who was talking to me about God, Jesus, etc. I told her I was agnostic, with no belief in deities.
She asked: Then, where will you spend eternity?
I answered: The same place you will.
I don’t think she got it.
I have 4 younger sisters that are raving catholics, I told them several years ago that I do not believe in any gods or religions and also that I do not want to hear any religious stuff, not a single peep about religion of any kind at all, from any of them in any way shape or form if they wanted to continue seeing me in family reunions and celebrations, I told them that just because I believe differently I will never stop loving them as my sisters and I promised I will never try to make them change their beliefs BUT only if they respect mine by just doing that very simple thing I asked them. After almost 20 years, our agreement has been strictly maintained.
@FrankA I believe some people, like you, have way too much time on their hands and put comments like this to show their nit picking nonsense. Suffice to say that I do not believe in religions or gods, period. Any other interpretation that you want to give is of your own making and I just don't care what you think or assume on what I believe or not.
I would have SO much fun with this, if my sister had written it to me!!!!
What a delicious opportunity for sibling rivalry! One could scarcely ask for better!
I would remind her of it at every opportunity, while laughing my ass off. "Hey Sis, what does god want me to get you for Christmas?" "Dude, did you get your car fixed yet. Gimme a minute - I'll pray for you." "Why won't I lend you my jacket? God says no, Sis."
I would also pray loudly over every little thing, when around her. Good times!
You have my sympathy, and empathy. I have a brother who will do similar, though often his malice is more direct. He has even gotten into my face, yelling and stabbing his finger in the air at my face. He has done even much worse damage to his children and ex-wife. I usually have him blocked on phone, text and email. Thankfully he lives about four hours away so he is not likely to just show up. It is a shame, life is short. I feel sorry for him because I realize he is not mentally well and I think I understand some of the complexities of why he wound up this way. But I cannot fix him, and most days I cannot deal with him.
I know others will advise to totally eliminate him from my life, but I don't agree with that option. Too long to explain here.
Good luck with your sister. Sometimes the best response is no response.
I find the bit about the message not chaning for the 2000 years ironic. There were so many different forms of Christianity in the early decades of the church it was ridiculous. There were gnostics, ebionites, Pauline theology, etc.
From what I read, there are about 33,000 different Christian denominations, sects, cults, etc in 'merca today.
@jlynn37 I've heard something about 40,000 but the different denominations in early Christianity were even more diverse than the different versions of Christianity today.
I prefer Not to talk to myself......so sorry for you !
actually , I'd much rather talk to myself - I know I exist ! <smile>
Difficult position for you, but she has to be made to realise that as an adult you are entitled to make your own decision whether or not to believe in god based on reason, and that what she believes is just that, her belief and not yours. I’m sure you have already made that clear from what you say above, I just hope she backs off with the religious advice and shows respect for you.
Me too . We were doing good for a few years, after another incident like this came to a head. But then, don't ya know ... it's back !
@evergreen Good luck!
@evergreen I understand where you're coming from. Every other word my mother says I "praise the lord". She doesn't know I'm an atheist. She just knows I don't go to church. I never say anything to her about it, it just keeps me from going to see her as often as I should. I know I'll miss her when she's gone.
@evergreen I suspect the epidemic has gotten her contemplating her death again and death of loved ones. And the stress is so great she has turned to god and to preaching t others that do not care to be preached at. Basically, you are a casualty of her anxiety.
@demifeministgal while that may have been the trigger for this episode - she pulled this a few years back, and I asked her to stop - which she did. Things were pretty tolerable till now. And like many others - I'm feeling anxiety myself - the last thing I need is this total nonsense !
@evergreen Yes I know what you mean. Luckily y'all do not live with each other and she can be avoided. Imagine if she was having these episodes while living with you! Could be worse. I have been dealing with a raging lunatic this week myself, for daring to go grocery shopping twice in one week. *eye roll
My Sister forbids her born again minister husband and I to talk religion. That works pretty good.
I would tell her to pick up a science book or two and put down her goddamn bible. #GodisaFairyTale
I have a sister and brother that are religious. We don't speak anymore.
Recently read a word which says it all, 'willful.' People want to believe certain things and it becomes ingrained in their minds and becomes, wilful (meaning devoid of any critical thinking).
I received a letter from a friend who made the comment "I know how you feel about this but, then went on and ended "the good Lord willing." I will reply with asking if I have ever pushed my non-belief off on her. If not why am I having to hear it from a friend? She is a PhD Nurse Practitioner whose husband (an atheist) has prostrate cancer. She has just had a knee replacement and spends her summers traveling to poor regions of the world lending medical aid. I just don't understand.
Interesting ! My Sister's a Nurse practitioner too ... super smart - in other areas anyway .
Anything AFTER the word ‘but’ is total bullshit. I get that too, or used to before I distanced.
Beth, I love you dearly, BUT. ...
Me: Stop, I’ve already quit listening.
Beth, you’re a great person, BUT. ...
Me: If you say so. Gotta go. Bye!
Beth, I’m so concerned about you, BUT. ...
Me: Fuck off.
@evergreen No matter how smart, in the end it's one's emotions that shape their character. Just for fun I tried to make a math equation for this malady. E > R = D (when emotion is greater than reason the result is denial. I loved math in school.
This kind of rambling just turns me off even more. Thankfully my sister is even more of an Atheist than I am, if that’s possible. Mom is religious, but in a quiet way. At this point I have eliminated most people in my life that might feel a need to pontificate in the manner above. Don’t miss them at all.
It's okay to cut people off. It doesn't matter what their "relationship" to you is.
Family are the people who know you best, love you anyway, and always have
your back.
That doesn't have anything to do with DNA and blood.
I haven't spoken to my sister in over 30 years.
I don't miss her, she's a toxic person.
If your sister insists on forcing her beliefs on you, it's perfectly reasonable for
you to cut her out of your life.
It's clear she doesn't respect your position. Calling it "love" is nothing more than
a manipulation.
She's entrenched in her delusions. You are not required to join her in them.
In my reply to her, my warning was clear. I used her line back at her by saying, "if you love me" you'll respect where I am, and stop this. We'll see ...
One thing I know for certain, whatever happens to us after we die has nothing to do with what we believe while we are alive. It always disappoints me when Christians ignore the teachings and beliefs of the teacher they profess to follow. "Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy." Prov. 31 8-9. and “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law of the prophets". Matt: 7: 22. and finally : "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34. I think its obvious that if we do our best to live by these guidelines the rest will take care of it self. By the way, Humanist believe in the same things so, you don't have to be a Christian to do what we know is right instinctively.
They just learn to spell hate as “love” as in by burning this heretic at the stake we show him with the love that will get him into heaven As he repents. I’m pretty sure that their victims do not feel loved.
OMG! Ate up, ate up. I only knew one of the ones who made me because I never did meet my real father. At least, not that I know of. Talking to god is not necessarily a good idea. Too many people already have voices in their heads. I can't believe that she wants you to talk to her god and then dictates what she wants you to tell him. My best guess is that she would feel so much better if both of you thought and believed the same. I have news! Both of you are different and separate people so this last one is impossible. It will never happen. How would you ever know if 2 people felt or believed the same? All you would know is that they seemed to band together in social settings.
Yup, I can relate. I’m almost the only agnostic in our family. My son is also, but we are estranged and his primary family is his biological father’s. To them, he is and has always been the Golden Child.
I’m the rainbow sheep, and I’m often shunned and treated badly. I’ve distanced from them, except for my daughter. It’s just not worth it.
All I can say is: practice tolerance and patience. You will come out the winner.
"if you start talking to God, He will make himself known to you!" - Sadly this is true. If you talk to yourself long enough, you will go crazy and start "hearing" something answering you.
Especially if you do it while experiencing insomnia or great stress.
"On those nights when you can't sleep....start talking,get to know Him." - exactly....