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For some reason I can't have a civilized conversation with someone of faith, especially Christians. The conversation starts out ok, but as it progresses, I get completely bent out of shape (pissed off). Why is this? Does it happen to you?

Automaton73 4 Apr 5

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Why do you waste your time. The only way to change the outcome is to change the narrative, that is hard to do while anyone of faith attempts to pay attention.


I gave up years ago when it all came down to those folks thought they knew because they "FELT"...... Well I don't feel god so..........end of conversation.


Because you cannot reason with the unreasonable - the illogical - those who refuse to think beyond their brainwashed mind.


It could be you, or it could be them.

How new to Agnosticism are you? My first few years after leaving religion were more contentious than recent years have been. Then again, those first few years were during the administration of George the second, which leads me to....

How zealous are the Christians that you're encountering? I mean, it's usually easy to be chill with Quakers, and a bit harder with Baptists. Timing makes a difference, too. They're getting pretty rowdy lately - but then again, so are we. 😉

If you want to avoid confrontation entirely, I suggest you change the topic. If you want to have a bit of fun while gradually changing the topic, I suggest that you start discussing the merits and attributes of mermaids, or some other mythological creature. Fair's fair, after all, and they introduced the topic of mythology.


It rarely happens to me. I am extremely comfortable in the presence of some Christians. However, if any Christian tries to ram his or her particular delusions down my throat, he or she lasts for about two minutes before they run away as fast as they can. (Yes, the last pair of Jehovah's Witnesses literally ran from my front door.)

I do not suffer fools gladly, and I freely hurl reason and logic at such arrogant twats.


I don’t respond well to the delusional. I also REALLY hate feeling coerced, and that’s what proselytizing feels like to me.
Once this local church went through the neighborhood and left postcards under the windshield wipers on the cars. The wet cars, as it had been raining. Luckily I could still make out their name and number. I hate I didn’t catch them in the act!


Only if the person insists on saving me, and that hardly ever happens. We talk about something else.

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