The two books that seem to summarize perfectly my world based on both how I view our place as humans on the earth and our place in the universe in general are both The Self Gene by RIchard Dawkins and Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan. Does anyone else have any other workds they feel similarly with?
The Selfish Gene. I understand this but some selfish genes might be needed along the way for survival. What we are seeing in the world today goes a little further than that. Nobody needs 10 yachts and all the other nonsense that goes with it, all to the detriment of others. I find no empathy or compassion.
Years ago I was impressed with Carl Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World." I first read it as a religious believer but I could not put it down and agreed with it.
Yeah I have that book as well.
Most of the books mentioned so far are on my shelves some i have yet to read some I have read. I likee Dawkins books and have read most of them but a while ago. Considering the crisis we are going through and the woo and bad advice about health that is going the rounds then Bad science by Ben Goldacre.
'Saharasia' by James DeMeo, Phd. You'll never see our kind the same again.
Flow, []
And The Celestine Prophecy, []
I’d say these have had the most ongoing affect on my life.
Staying sane, was quite reassuring too:
Raj Persaud putting forward, amongst other things, that it’s normal not to be normal
And a how to change your life in 7 days program which helped to reprogramme negative thought patterns
Celestine Prophesy was quite New Age I thought!
@Geoffrey51 me too, but I really enjoyed it and it gave me a new perspective. I especially learned about: the games people play; stories people tell themselves; and mindfulness: living in and enjoying the moment. All of these have a bonding to actual scientific data or psychological theory.
@girlwithsmiles Actually yes, I forgot that. There were four principles if I recall or something like that.
I’ll have to revisit it. I recall making copious notes that I no longer have !
@Geoffrey51 yes I have a copy, I’ve read it at least twice and get something else out of it each time. It is a bit hippyish I suppose
you might like 'unweaving the rainbow' by dawkins. hitchhikers guide is a really strong contender these days.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Love a hitch hiker’s guide, for its humour, but cannot say numerical values explain the meaning of life adequately; I’m not that good at maths