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I was out in the yard today and a young chicken came up and sat in my lap. I don't have any chickens. I haven't a clue where it came from. None of the neighbors keeps chickens. Sun is going down and it hasn't gone home to roost. Just kinda being a curious little dude.

newbyrd 4 Apr 6

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Meant to be! Do not leave it alone outside at night!!!!!!!!


I would LOVE a random chicken to come sit in my lap. 😍

How big a chicken are we talking about 😂

@Cyklone he had lost all his fluff and was almost done getting his new feathers to come in. He was about the size of a pigeon.

@newbyrd cute 🙂


Could be a shape-shifting Gazawort from the Antares system. Be careful. Be very careful.

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