What a bloody travesty of Justice in Australia and a Judicial "Up Yours" to ALL Victims and Survivors of Institutionalized Child Abuse/Sexual Abuse?
That low-life, bare-faced lying, Rock-Spider in a Cassock will be released from prison sometime this week now that the High Court Bench has QUASHED his conviction of TWO Historical counts of Sexually Abusing Alter Boys.
It kinda make me wonder how much the Catholic Church 'donated' to each of the members of the Bench to ensure Paedo-Pell's case was quashed?
My most heartfelt sympathies go out to not only the 2 Survivors who stood their ground and brought Pell into glaring light of Public Opinion but also to the survivors everywhere else, they must be devastated to say the very least.
Please, don't give up on finding Justice and recompense, hit Pell and the entire 'Nest of Rock-spiders, aka the Catholic Church with MASSIVE Civil Law Suits, bring that nest of Scum down to its knees and cleanse the world of its filth for all eternity.
I saw this headline last night, I could not believe it, utterly disgusting.
The Justice system works great for the rich and powerful. The rest of us are fucked.
It wouldn't have anything to do with our god bothering wanker of a pm would it.