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Trump was tweeting today, in the spirit of Easter...there will be no DACA, deal...what a guy! Nothing like dashing the hopes for DACA, people on Easter Sunday! When you think he can't get lower...he figures out a way!

Freedompath 9 Apr 1

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There is always a lower hell that Trump seems to stoop too... no hole to deep for his sinister behavior!


Right!!! And thanks for sending the economy into a nose dive pendejo!

He likes to jerk people one way and then the other...that is how he gets, 'off' now! 'Jerking' other countries is the same as taking Viagra, and he doesn't pay a single thing for it...we pay for it...


Ah yes, but his reasoning was pure Trump. Immigrants are streaming over the border to become DACA eligible.

I just read that...I believe many Americans have tapped into their latent insanity, since trump promoted his mindset for mainstream!


If I could, I would do all I could to reassure DACA that it is going to be OK. 45 is going to be leaving the WH before this is something he can settle! He is a evil, demonic, trashy, filthy, dirty, ugly,ranting, rutting, trough slopping, sewer hogs.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and more yes'es! Do you think that the people who hated Obama, got a nauseating feeling, every time he spoke or made a decision? That is how i feel about ttump and I have never felt this way about any other human being!


As always..he shows he only panders to his denomination of Amurikans..

Yes, and he sure knows how to pick-um, too!

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