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I'm going stir crazy stuck at home for 3 weeks albeit I go outside safely almost everyday. Currently reading "Diary of Anne Frank" This young girl was trapped inside for two years. Before she was abducted and murdered, she wrote one of the greatest books ever written. This would be a great read or reread for everybody on quarantine. Maybe you won't feel so sorry for yourself.

barjoe 9 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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My wife and I went to the Montreal Bike Show back in late February because we are in the cycling business, there were a lot of vendors not present because their shipments hadn't arrived on time from China because of the Covid Crisis. We started taking precautions from that moment on, have barely left our home on an island since early March.
3 weeks, sounds positively lovely.


I am going stir crazy cuz my "roommate" is an aggressive paranoid psycho. And I have only gone to grocery stores anytime I did go out or do laundry in laundry room. I am thinking next weekend I will visit my sister for her bday. An entire MONTH of weekends staying at home has been HELL. >😟
If she had a loving and supportive family, that didn't fck her up, she beats me and I get to feel sorry for myself after all! 😉 😀 😛


Finally read it this winter. Unbelievable.. Led me to all kinds of further research. At the moment, I blame Otto, her father; had he not felt compelled to watch over his business, and had done like his sister and got further away ... his daughter would be my father's age… She, was magnificent..

Varn Level 8 Apr 10, 2020

It is a great story. I read it a few years ago for a second time. I read it the first time in High School.


I visited her house in Amsterdam a few years back. My most haunting memory of the place is of some pencil marks with dates on the wall that measured the heights of the children as they grew. Such a typically normal, loving thing ...


I need to read that again and now seems like a perfect time.


I don't feel sorry for myself - especially when I hear about others and their predicaments. I am grateful for comfort, beautiful woods surrounding me, and a fairly well stocked pantry !
Oh - and no Nazi maniacs looking to roast me ...


I recently downloaded the un-cut version, i.e. the one that was written in her words and not edited for naughty content and other content "unbecoming" of a young woman. It's a good time to read it considering we are all mostly at home. If it's too heavy a read, I might put it off and find something lighter.

Can you post a link?

@Lorajay PDF You can read the book. Here's a link. []

@Lorajay []
This is an article on the two versions. I have version "a" on pdf. I cannot post a link from my cell as it only opens the document. Do a search for "diary of anne frank version a pdf" and you should find more than one page. In version b she "refined" her work a bit, and left out passages and whole pages. The first version to go to print was more heavily edited by her father, who of course survived. If you don't have any luck I can attach it to an email, but I can't do that here.


I would suggest that in times like we are experiencing being “stuck” inside, a book that is not uplifting should be avoided.

Don't read it. Read Harry Potter or Mary Poppins. It's okay.


Read it in high school


I watched a televised version of, The Diary of Anne Frank as a teen, I enjoyed it then. I guess I’m going to have to apologise for being relatively happy .
No one could be happy about the deaths via the virus.
But I’m working full time and get to see my partner every day. I wish everyone could be safe and well, but under the circumstances I have nothing to feel bad about, (apart from some great artists dying)...yet.


One of the issues for many of us in the modern world is that we have not faced a major catastrophic event in our lifetimes. 9/11 sure but that was a one day event that only killed a few thousand. Things like WWI, The Spanish Flu, WWII Exc... killed millions of people and with the Spanish Flu in particular was basically a war taking place everywhere on earth. As an American I can say that many of us are not used to this in 21st century standards. For people like Anne Frank though they had to still live in a world that mostly operated through brutality and death on a regular basis.


I have read the diary, and visited the Anne Frank house, including the attic. What a sad, but interesting story!


Please... please read...'Alas Babylon'


I feel like 24601...


If you ever have the opportunity to tour the house in Holland, do it. I dunno if this makes sense but the silence was screaming loud.


Maybe you're assuming wrongly about me feeling anything except contempt for the idiocy and lack of leadership from the WH.

I don't make assumptions. I apologize if I was careless with my words. I do think you made an assumption about me. I didn't take it personally I just wanted to clarify.

@barjoe didn't you textually say "Maybe you won't feel so sorry for yourself."? Please explain what assumption you believe I made about you other than saying "maybe you assumed wrongly about me feeling anything."?

@Mofo1953 Didn't give you personally a second thought. Not feeling anything either. You have a nice day

@barjoe i always do.

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