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If you had to list the three biggest issues you think the world faces in order of seriousness, what are they?

SB76 5 Apr 2

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    1. Climate Change and mass extinctions.  2.Global income inequality and the rise of pseudo- dictators lke Putin, Erdogan, Duterte and, of course, Trump. 3.  The global Military Industrial Complex and  the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons as well as the growth of militarism  in this country & around the world.

What a depresing list! Shame on me.

1. Trumpty Dumpty and his entire administration of destroying everything he can get his           hands on.
    2. Fighting diversity. Anti racial, ethnic cleansing, and discrimination resurfacing worldwide.
    3. Environment and climate change.

Overpopulation, declining resources, and destroying the planet. All interconnected.... Of course.


Continual growth.
Unequal distribution.
Unrealistic expectations.

or if you want to be more pragmatic

Climate change.
Political conflict.
Population growth.

Kimba Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

Overpopulation is the core issue and will continue to be until we either wake up or are awaken by nature.

The idea we are more important than dirt is part of the overpopulation problem.

And fear, which drives everything.


Humans, humans and humans


Hunger, war, lack of humanity by a vast number of fellow humans.


Overpopulation and diminishing non renewable resources
Unpreparedness for climate change
Nuclear weapons


Criminey, there's a firestorm waiting to explode!

  1. Trump
  2. Feral people breeding feral offspring (creating more ugly, stupid & apathy in the world)
  3. Destroying our planet & ourselves
Emme Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

Climate change, a lack of interest of the public in science, and Donald Trump shredding Democracy.

  1. Climate Change
  2. Overpopulation
  3. Continued tribalism, although that might solve #2

Human Overpopulation, because of it most of us are gunna die,
Climate change because we will take many species with us
Selfishness because it caused the first 2.


Trump,Trump, and Trump.


Climate change
Willfull ignorance

BillF Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

The Oligarchs. For all three biggest issues.


human kind

Rosh Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

1.) Uncharitable and unproductive discourse.
2.) Energy Sustainability
3.) Wreckless Advance of Artificial Intelligence

I recognize that number 1 is vague. I would summarize it as all the flaws in communication that make it so much harder to actually work together and solve a problem. It’s not an individual “issue” but it’s a handicap that could cause us to fail to solve all other problems. Choosing partisanship or ideology over pragmatism in American politics is an example.


Too many people.
Belief in things that don't exist.
Poor education.


Resource abuse (climate change)
Wealth consolidation
Information dissemination


Nuclear armaments
Greed for Money
Death on a massive scale.

  1. Overpopulation (Religion)
  2. Believing Faith in things without evidence is a virtue or that prayer fixes everything (Religion)
  3. Power Mongering: Or the desire to be like a god, archangel, demon or saint.

I only need 1. When this 1 thing is finally recognized and accepted by the entire global population to a point to stand up and topple their game board, all other issues can finally become workable. And that 1 thing is the managed perception being waged on us by the establishment and MSM they use against us for the benefit of the deep state in control of everything around the globe. What's it going to take? "Out Of The Illusion " Group


1.Climate Change
3.Loss of Rainforest


the planet faces us , humans and our locust mentality. humans face hunger greed and men with small penises


1.Get rid of the president before he starts WW III.
2.Healthcare for everyone.
3.Get rid of poverty.

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