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My explanation of Atheism

NOTE This is my personal view, it is shared by many but I don't wish to speak for all who call themselves atheists. Atheism is not dogmatic, there is no worship & it is not a religion. We simply reject the claim that a god exists. We are not claiming a god can't exist, only that there is not good evidence in support of one. END NOTE

Atheism is the most misunderstood viewpoint on the planet. The basic concept of atheism is as follows:

A religious person makes a claim, "I am 'religion of choice' and I believe in this 'deity of choice.'"

The atheist's response to this is as follows:

"What reason has led you to believe this?"

Many reasons are always given but the problem is that they are never grounded in demonstrable facts, the only thing ever given is anecdotal assertions of the relevance of "holy books" such as the "Bible" for example. Unfortunately, these are not evidence of the beliefs asserted, they are further assertions that beg further questions and raise bigger questions rather than provide answers.

One might ask, "Well how do you know there is no god?"

That's a great, but misguided question, firstly this question is fallacious falling victim to the "straw-man" argument. In other words, it is a misrepresentation of the opposing view whether by improper understanding or purposeful misrepresentation. Atheists aren't making any claims about a god specifically existing or not. To explain this point further one must understand the difference between knowledge & belief.

"Gnostic" is the Latin word for knowledge.

"Theism" is the Latin word for belief.

The prefix "a" is the negation of whatever it precedes (ex. atheist)

With understanding this you must also understand, none of this has any inherent connection with religion. The religious context is just the most common association.

Now in the context of a deity, for example, the Christian "God" there is no evidence that anyone has any true knowledge of "God" or any other so by default everyone is agnostic by definition. The difference now comes in with belief, either you are a theist and believe or an atheist and don't believe. Therefore there are only two categories:

Agnostic Theists or Agnostic Atheists

Now as said before, atheists are not making a claim they are rejecting many claims. Many religions claim that their deity is in existence and the atheist's position is very simple & straightforward, "What reason is there to believe that this deity exists?"

The reason why it is fallacious to ask an atheist why there is no god is that they never made the claim there isn't, they only denied the claim that there is a god because they don't have sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim.

It all comes down to what is known as the "burden of proof" which is simply this:

If one makes a claim, one must provide evidence to substantiate the claim.

This is why asking an atheist to prove there is no god is like if you were asked to prove there is no Allah or Buddha or fairies, pixies or goblins, evidence has to be given by the one asserting any of these are real, otherwise what is the motivation for belief?

Religions like to believe their particular view is absolutely correct and not open to criticism. Something that is overlooked is that they can be considered an atheist with respect to every religion except for the one they believe. Atheists just take it, one god, further.

The problem with the concept of faith is as follows:

All religions are based on it but can't account for how their faith is superior to the other. There is a reason for this:

Faith is the excuse one gives when they don't have a good reason for what they believe if one truly had good reasons for what they believe they wouldn't need faith, so what good is faith then?

And this becomes a recurring theme amongst all religions, they typically try to promote some form of anecdotal testimony through their chosen holy book but that itself can't be evidence if the god assumed responsible for the book's existence is in question, to begin with. It's circular logic which is again fallacious.

Most atheists due to their study of philosophy & science are better versed in understanding more fundamental & complex concepts on which reality is based on, which leads to better understanding of the universe and its properties through years of dedicated interest, study & effort to obtain knowledge. It is very ignorant to simply look at the sky, mountains & life and blindly assume that it only could come into existence from a god.

It demonstrates your ignorance to the mountains of verified empirical evidence to the contrary to what you believe. Atheism is based on being skeptical of claims until evidence is presented but being open enough to research and consider claims without automatically dismissing them.

In general, atheists are skeptical individuals who are persuaded by evidence & reason. They are not bad people, in fact, the contrary is evident based on data from polls taken of secular nation versus religious. The correlation is absolutely on one side, societal health & happiness is always higher in secular nations versus religious. A large proposed reason for this is that religions are based on dogmatic assertions of what is to believe to be true & how to act which is why things such as death penalties, anti-gay movements & racism exist in religious countries.

A major reason I personally find the atheist viewpoint to be far more moral is that for a large number of religious individuals, their motivations for acting in moral ways are based on a desire for the reward of a heaven, a fear of a hell or both. For an atheist, we don't see a reason to believe in either and act as morally as we can because we genuinely want to and think it's the right thing to do. Also, another motivation for atheists is that working together is more productive than against each other.

Hopefully based on this you are more enlightened on the viewpoint of the atheist and understand the view whether or not you agree or perhaps this explanation has led you to consider a change in view. Either way thanks for reading!

PaleBlueDot 4 Apr 17

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"We are not claiming a god can't exist,"
Yes, I am claiming that a god cannot possibly exist.
I am claiming that.
Reality is real.
Fairy tales are fairy tales.

I think one can state that certain gods cannot exist. The god of the bible, for instance, is too contradictory to exist.

Science can show us that no god is necessary, and that there is no reason to believe in one; but it does not claim that some force/ energy/ consciousness, that we would call a god, cannot exist.


Non-believers are a bigger minority group than Jews, Gays or African-Americans in the USA. If you all united and called yourselves atheists you would be a more powerful pressure group acting toward separating church and state in your country.

btw. that is not your personal opinion but the objective definition of atheism.




Theism means Belief in God. The = God and Ism = Belief.


I identify as a nullifidian, first and foremost--i.e., one who has no faith or religious belief. My first step was to reject all religions and their varied constructs of gods as being wholly man-made, while at the same time rejecting the notion of faith, which is an unreasonable intellectual posture synonymous with credulity and the dismissal of facts. I reasoned that, if there were a god, it would not be necessary to believe in it/her/him without evidence.

Having rejected all religions in general, and faith in particular, I continued for a period of time to search for evidence of a deity. But finding insufficient evidence to prove its existence, I found God 'Not guilty of existing.' In this absence of evidence, a nullifidian may also be an agnostic--without knowledge of a deity. Additionally, with no such knowledge, and lacking the cognitive posture of faith (claiming to know things one cannot possibly know), what then remains to believe in? This nullifidian agnostic is also without theistic belief--i.e., I'm an atheist.

But in the final analysis, what does all this categorization and philosophical taxonomy really accomplish? How many others on this site might likewise self-identify?


My atheism: "You make the existence claim of your god? You demonstrate that existence, sunshine!"

Yes, that is exactly how it works.


You understand words have different meanings and usages. There are different senses to words. If you use "religion " in a biblical context that is about 2000 years old, it is defined biblically as: Religion... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27. Why call anything else religion?

Faith biblically is used to Express Knowledge, skill(a form of knowledge) and a substance(as in the possession of a thing).

Now you said, "Most atheists due to their study of philosophy & science ..." if you studied philosophy then you might know this from an academic philosophy source, otherwisesome of your definationappear to be different that this source: []

“Atheism” is typically defined in terms of “theism”. Theism, in turn, is best understood as a proposition—something that is either true or false. It is often defined as “the belief that God exists”, but here “belief” means “something believed”. It refers to the propositional content of belief, not to the attitude or psychological state of believing. This is why it makes sense to say that theism is true or false and to argue for or against theism. If, however, “atheism” is defined in terms of theism and theism is the proposition that God exists and not the psychological condition of believing that there is a God, then it follows that atheism is not the absence of the psychological condition of believing that God exists (more on this below). The “a-” in “atheism” must be understood as negation instead of absence, as “not” instead of “without”. Therefore, in philosophy at least, atheism should be construed as the proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, the proposition that there are no gods).

Atheism then being a claim that I do not exist would have a burden of proof to show that claim to be true. Because I exist it is cause for atheism to be illogical.

Word Level 8 Apr 17, 2020

@JohnnyQB belief means to hold something as true. unbelief would be undo or to do the opposite of belief, so to hold something as false.

I make observations. I can see things, I can understand things. I can also understand that what I see or how I observe things may not be exactly correct as I perceive. The thing that I believe is the fact that I see or understand something.

Just as you believe things that YOU might think I "beleive in", may not be a true or correct. It might appear to your observation I have some sort of belief that I do not hold.

@JohnnyQB Well, I could be all good in the neighborhood with the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God and not have to have any exist concerns about this crazy world.

@JohnnyQB license to reaquire? Must have me confused with someone else.

Medical doctors may talk about medicine too much for some people.

Bankers may talk about money too much for some people.

People that talk too much about god thingies for some people might be a God thingie.

@JohnnyQB thought you were saying a Preachers license to reaquire

@JohnnyQB but yes, I was CDL driver, not looking to reaquire


To all saying it’s too long, I’m not concerned about length, my intention is to communicate my thoughts and help people questioning understand atheism. Sure you can say simply we don’t believe in a god but clearly people within this community don’t understand the difference between atheist and agnostic. If you already understand what I posted, it clearly wasn’t intended for you.

I saw how long and meandering it was, and I stopped reading. So, your "intention to communicate your thoughts" fell on deaf ears. Apparently, mine weren't the only ones. You need to tighten it up.

"clearly people within this community don’t understand the difference between atheist and agnostic."
That is not a correct statement.
Most of us here understand quite well.


"We are not claiming a god can't exist, only that there is not good evidence in support of one. "

This is a statement that an agnostic would make, not an atheist...

Not true, gnostic refers to knowledge and theist refers to belief. Everyone is agnostic by default because they do not know, so there are two categories, agnostic atheists and agnostic theists. Your understanding of the word agnostic is incorrect and spreads around the internet like wildfire. I addressed this in better context in the initial post. I am sorry, although I realize it is not your fault, the colloquial understanding you’ve adopted is incorrect.

@PaleBlueDot agnostic... Not evidence...
Atheist.. No belief...
Everyone is not agnostic by default... That's what an agnostic would say... Total nonsense... Like christianity..


Waaaaaaaaay too long. Brevity is the soul of wit, Shakespeare. I am a non believer in gods or religions and I sympathize, but lost my interest by the second paragraph.

You made it to the second paragraph?! 😂😂😂

@Cutiebeauty I didn't.

@Cutiebeauty Yeah 'second paragraph' that does deserve a medal imho.
I read the first paragraph, scanned through the rest and even though some of my comments/posts may be quite wordy and verbose at times that one damned nearly bored me to tears.


I agree with essentially everything you said BUT (but negates everything that came before it) you left out the part where Atheists do their best to exist outside of religion because we aren't delusional religitards with sky daddy issues. Atheists are a bit like Honey Badgers, except that we just don't give a shit about religion but religion just can't seem to stop itself from giving a shit about Atheists, they want to hug us and squeeze us and if they can't convert us; they want to stone us and drown us and burn us. Atheists still don't give a Honey Badger Shit about Religion.



A religious person makes a claim, "I am 'religion of choice' and I believe in this 'deity of choice.'"

The atheist's response to this is as follows:

"not me."

end of story.

an atheist isn't obligated to ask a religious person anything. i mean, it could happen, but that is not, i think, a typical atheist response. i think most atheists, like everyone else, would rather finish lunch, or ride a bike, or listen to music, or nap, or go shopping, or whatever, than take that kind of bait.


Well, this is from the perspective of having a back and forth conversation to try to properly inform so they understand. Not just to be a one-sided conversation.

@PaleBlueDot i could see that. however, i do not have that perspective. i did not see the need for such a conversation, nor do i consider my answer a one-sided conversation. it's not a conversation at all. i rejected the idea of a conversation, seeing no need for one (i think i said that already). i don't see how you get a one-sided conversation out of NO conversation. that is my perspective.


@PaleBlueDot Sorry there but in Aussie venacular " Rave on Aven," or, sorry if it seems somewhat derisive or rude but, Sir, does your rectum ever get jealous of your mouth when it usurps its role in life?


(In the past, Christians felt the mere existence of atheists or other religionists worked as a repudiation of their beliefs. We now have more active forms of atheism because being atheist is less dangerous to your health.)

Christianity engenders a broad variety of psychological pathologies, paranoia being prominent. The paranoid variety love to make up lies about all those who refuse fealty to white, straight, male dominance.

Among those lies is this: ' Atheists hate God and deny He exists. ' While it may be true that a minority of atheists claim no god exists, most simply don't believe in any of the gods. Again, the common definition of atheists as denying god exists is the definition promulgated by the Christians, not by atheists.

Your profile says you love critical thinking. Please, spend some time critiquing your text, fix the mistakes and be succinct. You lose most of your audience if you just cut and paste a crude mass.


. . . wow, here we go AGAIN, beating a dead horse. Search for the multitude of previous posts on this topics. 😛


Seems a bit long-winded to explain on a forum where many of the members declare an atheist position.

‘Atheism is the most misunderstood viewpoint on the planet’

Do not see how. It is only because some choose not to recognise what the word means.

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