Reacting is to loose control. I alway want to be acting so that I think it out before I perform. Visualization is a great process tooooooo.
This concept is also a main point of Scientology. Their communications class has a course in "bull-baiting" where two people sit in chairs facing each other = only an inch or two apart. And then one would try to make the other laugh or react in some other way (withOUT touching them). Make faces, tell jokes, whatever. And the idea is for the other person to learn to be "at cause" = to NOT react to what others do. Then they switch places. I think it's a very good educational technique, and probably should also be used in middle schools across the country (I think it would cut down on bullying).
Yes for sure. you aren't right about everything.
We are human and life is complex. Vent when you need to vent and chill when you ought to chill....There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos (Hightower)
Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness.
Yes. This is a Western-thought-flavored, English-language distillation of some key Buddhist thought. It touches on mindfulness, being in the moment, responding vs. reacting, and discriminating and indentifying with "name-and-form".