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Unemployment reaching towards a new record level in the USA. A classic example of what happens under a Neoliberal Economic regime where efficiency, money and profits matter more than people. This chart is from one of my favourite economists. []

ToolGuy 9 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you have examples where people are still employed under the same set of virus issues, or do you just mean that we treat our unemployed worse than whatever not-neoliberal economic model?

@ToolGuy not sure the difference between not working and being paid by the govt to stay home, and calling it "unemployment", or calling it a supplement from your employer. Really, not sure. I'd be curious to know which redistribution system is more efficient though. Going through a govt agency, or private sector.

@ToolGuy thats true but its a different issue than unemployment. Health coverage shouldn't be linked to working, but unemployemnt and a "neolbieral economic regime" are their own isdue. Youre just blowing a dog whistle.


Too bad our "government" can't send every furloughed worker $600/week like many governments are.....

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