The secular survey is out and the Friendly Atheist has the low down, excellent report!
The articles might me ok but the discussion platform they are using is completely rubbish!
I think this country is the most fanatically dedicated to religion that it has ever been in it's history, but that observation does not necessarily include the Southern "Bible Belt". They haven't changed, but the rest of the country has joined their ranks, and that is also true of political Conservatism. Look who is running the country with the tacit approval of people who call themselves Democrats or Liberals. I have been watching this phenomenon unfold since the "Regan Reconstruction" and it certainly didn't happen overnight!
Gee I identify with all the labels, depending on how I'm asked, and don't hide my atheism from anyone. Glad to know I'm in good company. Very interesting to see the results, On one hand I wish I had been a part of the survey, but on the other hand, glad I didn't give up 90 minutes of my time, and wonder if my responses got recorded correctly. Looks like a super comprehensive survey!
I took this away from the article. I made a post about a similar issue on my Facebook.
"We hide our non-theistic identities from different people.
While almost one-third (31.4%) of survey participants mostly or always concealed"
I was spouting off this on my page;
"Acceptance, is a key of life, acceptance of our reality is a key to freedom and it is also a key to our prison. We have to accept every choice of action we take, it may relieve us or imprison us.
Society's mental illness is accepted by those not so inclined....if that acceptance by those not so inclined was ended, then maybe fewer would be so inclined....."
What i keyed on was the issue of increasing the needed solidarity of atheistic peoples with a drive to encourage more inclusion of reality vrs beliefs.
The last line in above quote "Society's mental illness is accepted by those not so inclined....if that acceptance by those not so inclined was ended, then maybe fewer would be so inclined....."
. . . just the facts, they speak for themselves.