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Modern Day Lynching

The title may seem alarmist, but it isn't. I no longer feel physically ill watching these types of videos (which is a testimony all on it's own) but this story literally has me up, unable to sleep. 😢

This is Georgia. One young African American man jogging. Two white men (ex-cop and son), 2 guns, one large truck.

Warning: Graphic Content.

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 7

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If it gives you comfort Schlagle is in federal prison for murdering Walter Scott in North tapes caught 2 cops in the act of framing a murdered victim but local jury was "divided" because a conviction raises their taxes to pay families reparations while federal trials don't raise local taxes


Right after Trump took office, I had a dream a bridge I cross had a checkpoint. They were taking brown people out of cars. They were in uniforms. I woke up screaming. This image shocked me and reminded me, it could happen again. Don't tell me not to arm myself now.


This makes me want to puke.


Vigilante justice coming to a town or white suburb near you! Don’t count on it getting better anytime soon. With presidential support, these incidents will become much more common than they were.


🎼🎶America, America
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea
From sea to shining sea🎶


This is outright murder..the old man is an excop the other one is his son..

@OwlInASack it wasn't murder under Dems either..🤬🤬


It's like watching a monster movie. These are real however. This may be the future.


Be interesting to watch the legal system handle this.

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