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A good article explaining about the coronavirus issue.
From Ethan Siegel

HerbertNewsam 6 May 7

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Sadly medical and scientific technology, etc, can't be 100% perfect all of the time BUT at least they are trying whereas religions are still sticking with their ages old, worn out rhetoric of " Pray to God/Jesus and you will be saved," and that has done its usually, i.e. S.F.A.
So, I for one, would much rather take a test as many times as asked and chance an erroneous result than merely talking to my hands, ceiling or the floor any day.


Another great example of why the lock-downs have been the worst response to a natural disease.

Distorted data, and do-gooders in a hurry has/and will/ result in hundreds of millions dying from the guys-with-the-guns responses.

Tyranny has prevailed. And way too many have swallowed the hook of expedient lies. We are fucked for decades because of this insanity, started by communists and perpetrated by socialists.

Aw Geez Louise, Jacar, build a bridge and get over yourself PLEASE.

You’re taking conservatism w-a-y past its typical paranoia.


I'm confused....which are the ''good words?"

Lol ok i will edit it, that doesn't make sense lol boy to much vape today

what was pointing out was he did a good job writing it.

that looks better
And thank you on the heads up.

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