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If you look at The Weather Channel's Covid-19 page it appears that the United States doesn't have any infected, even though we have over 1.38 million cases and over 81,000 dead. They simply didn't put up the statistics for the US.

Maybe they just forgot to put the leader of infections and deaths in the statistics or maybe they think that if they ignore it, it will just go away.

Worldwide Statistics

Location Confirmed Cases

Worldwide 2,788,136
Russia 232,243
Spain 227,436
United Kingdom 223,064
Italy 219,814

nogod4me 8 May 12

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Hey! We're STILL number one! What a leader we have in the Donald!


Ummm, I just went there, they have a Huge site for Covid, including maps/info for each country & each state, tips, updates, etc...maybe you were just on the wrong page?

Maybe, I looked at the page on The Weather Channel App and it didn't have the US statistics. Now the US statistics are posted. It may have taken time to post the adjusted numbers for the US.


Worldwide Statistics

Location Confirmed Cases

Worldwide 2,788,136
Russia 232,243
Spain 227,436
United Kingdom 223,064
Italy 219,814


Worldwide Statistics

Location Confirmed Cases

Worldwide 2,788,136
United States of America 1,378,643
Russia 232,243
Spain 227,436
United Kingdom 223,064
Italy 219,814

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