Is that so important to choose your partner who has similar thoughts on religion? Why or why not?
I am an agnostic atheist and very outspoken about it. My girlfriend is a 5th generation witch. I accept that she believes in magic and spiritual stuff and she accepts that I do not belive in those things. She sometimes wants to read me with her terot cards. I accept her her rituals and she accepta my atheist YouTube channel.
I am very lucky that she is in my life. This being said if she ever started trying to convert me I would be out. As a note she would not do that as she believes that magic of that sort is something one is born with and so I could not be "coverted". I am honest that I do not believe what she does but it stops there. I often actually interview her about her beliefs so that I understand her better. I aknowledge that she does believe that magic is real and I do not berate or belittle her. She does take this into account and does not demean me for not sharing her beliefs. Other than that the big possible deal breaker is Salad Dressing or Mayo. I have told her she is a complete dolling idiot for not likeing Salad Dressing. I WILL CONVERT THE HEATHEN!
This being said I would not ever recommend even dateing a "spiritual" person if one is a hard atheist such as my self.
You mean you actually eat Miracle Whip? You are lost.
@editor20 Blocked!
Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts.
@Radu She told me kinda on a dare to touch her spellbook. I kissed it to let her know I was not intimadated. She never tested me again. That must have some meaning to her that I am unaware of!
It's not important that our partners should have the same thought on religion, what's more important is that how much open to criticism he or she is, how less he/she gets offended.
Thanks for your opinion. Recently I stopped my relationship as I have found that she is sensitive about criticism. She was a complete believer. I felt that she has a dream that one day I will be a religious person.
Good evening,
To be honest, I think it is good to have similar thoughts with your partner. It would be like a team going toward the same goal. Personally, I was a christian who met and fell in love with a woman who was not a christian. It changed my whole way of thinking and believing. Caused my whole way of life to be turned upside down. I'm still struggling through issues regarding faith or lack thereof.
Thanks for sharing your experience. This is interesting. Same thing happened for one my friend.
From what I have seen based on friends and acquaintances over the years, the atheism/non-belief/paganism/Buddhism of one partner is kept in the shadows and couple goes through all the expected Christian rituals for holidays, marriage, children, and death to keep the families and the Christian partner happy. A culture of life with the assumption that non-Christian beliefs makes no one happy and to keep it personal and private. It made waves when I refused to allow my child to be baptised, especially after we did a Christian wedding and got thousands in funding for it in exchange and there were incentives for the child on the table. Fortunately, wife is humanist/pagan and only acts Christian around family. Still some tension at times.
I have a hard time being a militant atheist married to an agnostic. I couldn't chance it with a believer what if 5 yrs in and they become evangelical?!
yes. because otherwise you'll screw up your kids.
Maybe so, maybe not. My mom is Christian (fundamentalist for a while, but that has faded,) and my dad's an atheist.
But...I never knew that he was atheist until I was in my thirties! It just never came up.
If I had known, I might have been LESS screwed up...or maybe it really would have messed with my head. It's hard to know which.
@JeffMesser My wife is a believer and myself agnostic .We let our daughter decide what she wanted to believe or not believe .Neither of us pushed her in any direction .At 31 she turned out to be an intelligent individual that does not follow any religion and to tell you the truth I never even asked her if she believes in a god because I don’t care.
Being with anyone who believes in anything is always a big deficit!!!
It depends on how devout they are. For example, a devout Catholic might not get along well with a devout Protestant (of any flavor). If both are flexible, open-minded, or not practicing, that's different.
Personally, I have no desire to have a relationship with a believer, of any kind. Except maybe a deist. I could handle that. Even though I don't believe there is any kind of god, I can understand why someone might hold on to that belief. I draw the line when someone claims to know there is a god; and, worse yet, to claim they know the will of that god.
Communication is key. At the beginning of our relationship my partner and I took for granted that eventually we would come around to the others point of view. I am a life long agnostic atheist & she is a former evangelical now small "c" christen. After eleven years of marriage we are still working on it.
It depends a lot on the person! I believe that we are all entitled of believing what we want, the way we want it. Me personally, I only believe what I see, what science proves, disproves, corrects, no fairytales, intimidations and threats about hell and fire bring me more laughter than a believer might think! I believe that your comment might only be an issue to people who ACT upon their beliefs and people who can't accept other's opinion and choose to live in the dark. Having a partner with a completely different view on god's, religions, science or life is not an issue but when one tries to enforce his/her views on the other, or when you discover that your daily life is controlled by the belief of the other person (intervention) then you would have a problem! Of course you would reduce that risk by having a partner with more similar views but it is not impossible to have the oppsite and be happy!
I would not date a believer. They will ultimately judge you (even tho Matt 7:7 commands them not to judge others) and they will try to get you to believe even tho there's absolutely no proof of a superior being. The religions judge each other, like my religion is better than yours, and mine is the only true religion. They believe with no proof, much like the asshole trump speaks with no proof. I see a pattern happening there. Dumbass = religious = republicans. Go Biden! Let's really drain the swamp this time! Oh yeah, don't date believers. Lol