Yes, it all a conspiracy against us!!!
It sure the fuck is!!!
The numbers do not add up!!!
If you think the news media who is own by the pharmaceutical industry, the wealthy and their corporations are not profiting off all of this off our backs you must think of this the as the real truth while once again you get to loose your job, your savings if you had any, your 401k is being bled dry and your kids can not get a viable education while you are struggling to pay back your student loan with that job with that minimum wage that degree bought you!!
Yes, your leaders are telling you the absolute truth for your health and safety while cancelling your health insurance and soon your unemployment checks!!!
Yes, have you already spent your second $2000.00, Ops, I mean $1200 Check that never arrived or will arrive!!!
Yes, it all being a big conspiracy to let .00001% of the worlds population to die from this Pandemic while you sit at home and now become domestic terrorists by just going outside!!
It does not add up!!!
4,750,000 have the virus Worldwide. 315000 have died.Thats about a 15 percent death rate.1.4 million Americans have it. About 91500 have died. Which is a 6 percent death rate.
If I have to roll my eyes just ONE. MORE. TIME.
I have very low patience with these people. I’ve tried reasoning with them: “come on now, if four people know a secret, how long til it gets out? A week? Maybe two? Yet these massive conspiracies with countless moving parts are going on right under our noses? All right, you win. There’s a Muslim behind every tree and under your bed. Blackhawks are spying on you. Watch out for those chem trails, and by the way, covid19 is a cover-up. “
OMG, we’re neighbors. I’m in Huntersville.
@Apunzelle Well, hey there! I’m just across the river
What conspiracy? The vast right-wing one? Where they use the virus and the skyrocketing federal deficit ($4 trillion + this year) to slash Social Security and other federal departments not called Defense?
THAT conspiracy?
The conservatives have been setting the trap for an occurrence like this beginning, oh, 70 or so years ago with Brown v. Board of Education.
James McGill Buchanan from George Mason University was the guy who kicked it off, massively funded by the Koch Brothers and other super wealthy guys who want to keep their money (all of it) even if it means subverting or destroying democracy.
THAT one?
Oh, sorry, wrong conspiracy.
You left out the original John Birch society, JFK, the Deep State, Benghazi....
@CarolinaGirl60 Don't forget that darned Greta whatsherface!
@davknight It amazes me how that tiny little teen threatens grown-ass old white men. Her message is not new: climate science is nearly 40 years old now. Anybody with a working brain should be concerned about it; especially young people who must live in it—or might die from it.
But no. Misogyny, ignorance, and conspiracy blinders win the day.
Nothing so great for the ego as the idea that YOU and ONLY you are in on a ''high-level conspiracy plot."
Don't they realize its minorities dying? If anything its a plot to rid Amerika of black and brown people from the orders of Fuhrer Trump?
It is very hard to argue with people who can't tell the difference between criminal incompetence & ridiculously competent secret-keeping. Just keep changing the subject!