Questions to ask Sunday School teachers - Noah's ark
"Do you think there really was a worldwide flood and a man who really made an ark by hand and lived to be 950? Was his name Noah, Utnapishtim, Ziusudra or Atrahasis?
How did they fit 5 million pairs (or sevens) of animals including all the dinosaurs plus enough food and water for a year on a boat that size, and keep them from eating each other or suffocating in air less breathable than that inside African slave ships?
Why did Noah, who was supposed to be a righteous man, let his grandfather Methusaleh drown?
Did they bring plants or seeds of plants of every kind too? Who collected them before the flood? Who planted them back in the ground after the flood?
How did parasites, insects and worms which don't breathe through nostrils survive if they were not brought aboard the ark (gen 7:22)?
How did all the species survive such intense inbreeding during the post-flood repopulation period? How does Yahweh feel about incest? How did the different races evolve from Noah's family and the different species evolve from the ark ones in less than 6,000 years? How could eight people reproducing generate in only 150 years a population big enough to build a city and impressive tower (gen 11:1-9)? or in 100 years a civilization in Egypt great enough to build the pyramids?
How did the ark survive seas filling from rain and geysers at a rate of 30 feet/hour for forty days? How did they stay afloat in rough seas in a flat-bottom wooden box for a year?
If Noah's ark landed in a single location, freeing all the species, then how and why did every single species of kangaroo (red kangaroo, tree kangaroo, wallaby, etc.) migrate all the way across the ocean to Australia/New Guinea? Why did all of the guinea pig variants (chinchillas and the like) all go to South America? How did the penguins and tree sloths who live thousands of miles from the Middle East get to and from the ark?
Instead of bringing all the animals to Noah and requiring him to build an ark, why didn't Yahweh just bring Noah and all the animals to the highest mountain, making an ark unnecessary?
How can there be continuous records from that time from thriving Chinese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Mayan, Sumerian and Peruvian civilizations with nothing about a worldwide flood?
Why didn't anyone else in the entire world have a boat?
What happened with the freshwater fish? or the saltwater fish that die of shock in reduced salinity? How did any aquatic life survive in brackish water much worse than what kills it in modern-day floods or at uninhabitable depths below the surface or distances above the plants on the bottom? As the input of so much freshwater would have killed everything below them on the food chain, how did blue whales and other whales survive? Were they and thousands of tons of food kept in oxygenated tanks onboard?
Why isn't there a worldwide layer of sediment from this period containing both rabbit fossils and stegasaurus fossils?
Where did the 800 million cubic miles of water go?
Do you think that an asteroid strike initiated the flood by opening the fountains of the great deep (gen 7:11)? How could Noah and his family have survived the fallout in an atmosphere full of poisonous vaporized rock, acid rain and enough heat from condensed rock falling back through the atmosphere to boil the ocean? Why doesn't the Bible mention anything about asteroids, volcanoes or darkness in the Flood story? If asteroids did not cause the Flood, how do you explain evidence of asteroids hitting the Earth over billions of years?
How was Noah able to sort the clean and unclean animals based on the dietary law (gen 7:2) that hadn't been given yet and before people ate meat (lev 11:1-47)?
How bright was it for Yahweh to kill everyone sinful without changing anything about human nature so that sin just came right back anyway?
Why didn't Yahweh just snap its fingers and annihilate everyone without all the drowning and theatrics and without killing the animals? If, in the beginning, Yahweh was able to create all the animals why did it need to make a big flood and save pairs of them in Noah's time? Why not just create them the same way it did the first time?
What did everyone eat after the flood ended and all the plants were dead? How did an olive tree survive the flood so that the dove could fetch one of its branches?
How can a perfect, eternal, incorporeal, infinite being be pleased by the soothing aroma of burnt animals and presumably become more perfect than before it was pleased (gen 8:21)? If Yahweh likes the smell of burning flesh, why doesn't it just burn the flesh itself without waiting for a person to do it?
If rainbows did not exist before the Noah flood, how did optical refraction of sunlight in water droplets work before then?
Do you think that there were no men on Earth more righteous than a guy who got drunk and cursed his grandson and all descendents of him to lives of slavery because his son had seen him naked (gen 9:20-22)?
Can you imagine a 3-day old baby slowly drowning in a great flood intentionally caused by a loving god?
Why did Jesus believe in the story of Noah (mt 24:36-41)?
Why do Sunday School teachers present the ark story to credulous children as historically true before they have reached the age of seven, the officially Church-accepted age of reason, an age when they still think that Santa Claus is real?"
Noah's Ark (part 1 of 2)
Noah's Ark (part 2 of 2)
Noah's Ark-God, Giraffes & Genocide
Atheist Comedy - The Great Flood
Conspiracy Road Trip: Creationism
Andrew Seidel
Were conditions on Noah's Ark as awful as a slave ship?
Aron Ra
How Zoology Disproves Noahs Flood
Aron Ra
How Anthropology Disproves Noah's Flood
Aron Ra
How Dendrochronology Disproves Noah's Flood
Aron Ra
How Paleontology Disproves Noah's Flood
Aron Ra
How Geology Disproves Noah's Flood
Aron Ra
How Meteorology Disproves Noah's Flood
Aron Ra
How Archaeology Disproves Noah's Flood
Author Bailey Harris
Secular Tour of the Ark Encounter: Atheist Bailey Harris vs. Fundamentalist Ken Ham
Viced Rhino
Just How Unsurvivable was the Flood?
Holy Koolaid
Animated Bible Myths: Noah's Ark - Part 1
Holy Koolaid
Animated Bible Myths: Noah's Ark - Part 2
Pocket Rebuttals
Scientists disprove a worldwide Flood
Why do people laugh at creationists (part 44)
Viced Rhino
It's literal, but only when I say it is!
Noah's Ark
Answers in Genesis: Meteor Strikes May Have Triggered Noah’s Flood
15 Flood myths similar to the story of Noah
Escaping Christian Fundamentalism
Did Old Testament Writers Plagiarize Stories from surrounding Near East Cultures?
Global flood
Marshall Brain
Proof #45 - Consider Noah's Ark
Joseph Campbell
The Power of Myth
Perhaps there are a couple of dozen stoned ass ancient shepherds laughing their asses off at the joke they laid on us.
And more likely, since shepherds aren't bad people, there are many more dozens of them appalled at the future (to them) stupidity of the human race.
Hello and welcome. Boy you are big on Noah. Nearly every culture has a flood myth, floods when they occur are big events in peoples lives, and overstatement is an inevitable result. The thing that interests me however is speculating, ( It is only for fun speculation, not evidence based. ) how the overstatement first occurred.
What story teller sat by the fire, and first answered the question. "How big was it?" With raised arms, and. "It was the whole world OK !"
And when perhaps did. 'He put on board two of all his domestic animals.' First become. 'He put on board two of all the animals.' It is fun to think about how, so easily, the omission of just a tiny and easy to forget small qualification, 'all his domestic', could instantly create a whole new story, quite different from what may have been originally every day sensible tale.
Worth thinking about other things too. Like how easily a sentence such as. "He was not frightened, (Being the hero of the story . ) but stood up and walked about while they were still in the boat on the water." Could so easily become something like. " Stood up and walked about on the water, while they were in the boat."