Facebook censorship branded my 11 second video HOW TO MAKE A FACE MASK WITH SCISSORS AND A SOCK was blocked and branded SPAM and I was in Facebook jail for 24 hours
No mention of money nor a single word posted just a woman scissors and footsie sock making 4 cuts
@SeaGreenEyez I hate the censors.......Facebook led me here to www.agnostic.com
@Larry68Feminist sdcc one dork probably reported it as spam..which is even worde..
I shared a photo of an NBA player having a very touching moment with a child with Downes Syndrome and got the same thing. What the fuck is wrong with those folks?
@SeaGreenEyez Exactly. It is a very eye opening look at this country. Very scary, very sad.
IMO, FB and 'facts' in the same sentence is an oxymoron
But the Nazis can converse and put up their flags.