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Being black in America. 😓 The more we learn about the Abery murder the more it becomes VERY clear we have a serious systemic racial problem in this country.

Video Of Law Enforcement Harassing Ahmaud Abery Before He Was Murdered

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 23

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Maybe people who read but do not give you emojis are afraid of killer cops and guns pointed at them for outing themselves here....while it is our global pastime to piss on xians & violent faiths here


According to BidenS you are not black if you vote for TrumpOLINI he said it on radio while filmed in the broadcast studio.....Joe JUNIOR fingers in Tara Reade vagina and "cavalier" white foot in the Vice Presidential mouth .....

@SeaGreenEyez the Green Party choice is to defeat both racists WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US Angela Walker Vice President

@SeaGreenEyez the last Democrat I was the S Carolina campaign for Dennis Kucinich STRENGTH THROUGH PEACE 2007 AND he was rigged out of the Iowa Caucus debates by the gangsters in charge of Blue Cross Blue Shield January 2008


They've infected nearly every aspect of society, the Klan didn't die out..they became an invisible infection..


See how quick CBS NEWS gave this racist killer nation air time to fake innocence covering up his crimes with the shooters....Oprah gave Susan Smith an hour to accuse blacks of drowning her children she drowned


I saw this.. It's freaking horrible.. What the hell is going on here?

@SeaGreenEyez it wasn't a lynching.. He was shot to death... Gunned down.. Emotionally charged words won't solve the problem.. Call it what it is..

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