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What would it be like if the whole world became an atheist?
Do you think it would be a better world?

Iranildo 5 June 6

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Good question! I think that not much would change. There are good and bad within all people.

Have you ever been to the Possum Lodge?

@PondartIncbendog Hi, no I have not seen this Possum Lodge. Is it on YouTube or is it a movie? May I ask what it is about?


We would have to fight wars over resources and territory only, politicians wouldn't have "God's will" to invoke. It would be a more honest world in that respect.


I think it would be a better world if we all focused on this life and this world and not some afterlife and fantasy world (heaven). If we could face things through the eyes of reason, rather than mythologies, if we didn't have gods to back up/ condone/ demand hatred, racism, misogyny etc. we could better fight against those things.


No. Crooks are natural, and everywhere. Most scams are not religious based. So, the fear mongers will just move to where the gullible are ready to belong.


I think it could be a step in the right direction, getting us beyond “thoughts & prayers” to find rational answers to real-world problems, and removing a common justification for all kinds of oppression.


I think there would be less injustices, abandonment violence or killing against the LGTBQ+ communities. The abrahamic religions and their followers are notorious for demonizing and encouraging bogus "therapy", ostracization by parents for youth that come out of the closet, all the way to encouraging killing of gay and trans peoples. However, maybe bigots would just use another method to hide and justify their bigotry behind. idk


NO. The reason is that the bible was true on a few things and the love of money is one of them. You can have a world of atheists and still end up with a fascist government.


Its merely one less thing to fight about. Politics, land, resources, sex, money, race, will still be out there.


Just means that people would stop doing bad in the name of religion. It would be a better world without religion and gods.


If they were like some of the people on this site ,definitely not.People will always find fault with each other’s ideology as proof is the constant debate and arguments between agnostics and atheists on this site .


Most people can't handle atheism. They don't have the intelligence to manage their own lives without belief in a god. As long as they don't try to force their beliefs on me, I am fine with them believing whatever works for them.


To be honest. I really don't care if one is religious or not.
I only ask for them to not force feed, or shame, or make laws to any one that doesn't drink their brand so to speak. Also, to be Scientifically literate, or at least not willful ignorant. There are, and have been some great Scientific minds that are, or were religious. And being a "believer" doesn't get in the way of their Science. If religious people could be more like that. I'm fine.


There will always be mental impairment to guide the clueless to another escapade.


Again with the blaming. Religion is just a convenient scapegoat for what is basic behavior for most life forms. When our resource base becomes depleted we start to fight. Why is this so hard to understand? Is it because we think we are so smart there must be some conspiracies at work? All cultures fight for what they think is rightfully theirs; it's called red in claw and tooth and definitely includes humans. As long as our numbers continue to rise exponentially things will only get worse with or without religion. Religion just might make things go faster, though.


If humanism could be taught in schools. But of course not all atheists are humanists. If you are an atheist, you must choose your own values to make life meaningful. We don't want to be a bunch of Nihilists.


Humans suck with or without it.


Absolutely. It would be a much better world if mythology were labeled as mythology, and reality as reality. The brainwashing, in which scam artists teach mythology as if it were reality (in order to rake money out of people's pockets and purses), is not good for anyone.


kind and tolerant


Well, it couldn't be worse.


I doubt that it would be significantly better. The mentally deranged would find some other excuse or excuses to try to impose their own "cultural norms" on other sections of society.


More honest, perhaps, less deluded definitely, but better? That perhaps would be individually subjective for me personally it would be, for the pope not so much.


People would still find reasons for division, but there would hopefully be a lot less fanaticism which is almost impossible to reason or negotiate with. IMO


Who the fuck knows? We' would still be flawed humans regardless of beliefs or lack thereof.

As a whole, how do you think humans are flawed? This would seem to me to be a biblical premise that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

You understand evolutionary processes is how D.N.A. and chemical reactions cause occasional down syndrome and the many other occasional genetic disorders or other things attributed to natural selection.

Otherwise I ask, how are humans flawed in general?

@Word we all make mistakes.

@Mofo1953 so to make a mistake means flawed? I say from learning experience that during the learning experience things are not always done exactly just right the first time. So then to learn and make learning mistakes is about flaws of not being able to do something right the first time? Could we then never learn then we would not make mistakes to be flawed. Attempt to learn would be a mistake?

@Word that is exactly what it means because nobody is perfect. Learning from your mistakes is not a mistake nor a flaw. Anything else?

@Mofo1953 just as having conversation, so because people are not born preprogrammed with knowledge to perform functions perfectly with out learning mistakes, it is then an inherent flaw that people must learn. To make mistakes while learning isn't a flaw because of the inherent required learning.

@Word you assume too much, humans are born and parents the first ones to teach you, I never said perfectly, kids make mistakes all the time even when parents tell them expressly not to do something, and you're repeating what I said. Learning from your mistakes is not a flaw. I said that expressly. So again, what's your point?


"The whole world" can bever be 'an atheist' cause it's not 1 person. Yet I can imagine that not having all the bloodsheds and social problems would have made humans have more time and resources to be much more devolped than they are now!


If everyone became atheist?
Um, religious leaders will have to rob old or weak people, ...or children.


I think as far as science goes, we would be far more advanced than what we are today. I think it would eliminate some "issues" but definitely not a drastic world change as some of us would like.

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