So far I see nothing but a Big Government agenda being initiated and running its course. The coronavirus was supposed to start riots but it didn't so its like they needed something to push for riots to get started, and what better way to cause riot then by racial issues. The riots started and they were able to intiate martial law, but temporarily. They knocked some competitors off the board, mainly the small businesses. It seems as though they are reaching mandatory vaccination which is destine to take a turn for chip implant tracking of all citizens. The U.S. seems to be planning on going digital with their currency, which means more Government surveillance and central control over the flow of money.
What do yall think?
Ummmm, running all those (rather weird) issues together makes them all nonsensical!
Definitely tend to agree with you, Anne
Jose; You're on the wrong website. This website is for thinking people. I would recommend Storm Front but it's been taken offline. This might help: []
So you do not uderstand that brutality towards one (for example that 75 year old white guy) is brutality towards All?
hell no, he doesn't
I think you might want to take off your tin foil hat. Conspiracy all the time?