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Is turning into an AssBook where people are using the 'Post' button to caress their own egos or to label and to enforce their own 'views' on others?

PabloNeruda 6 June 8

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Turning into? Every social media portal involves ego massage and self-promotion. Hell, almost every natural human interaction includes the same.


If I was one to be influenced by others views I would have been browbeaten into being a fundie years ago 😟


Are you thinking of who and/or what I’m thinking of…? Some radical newbie gets on ..and plasters the board with hate? I’ve long suggested there be a post limit per day. Nothing. So, more of the same πŸ˜•

Varn Level 8 June 8, 2020

There’s a report feature isn’t there? Just use it

@JacobMeyers Don’t know that I can judge well enough to make that call, so I leave it up to our experts. Past problems have usually disappeared, with no apparent help from me πŸ™‚


Tell me what an AssBook is?

'The book of the ass'


There are always trolls & egotistical assholes.......but compared to FB this is a paradise! And good luck on somebody "forcing" their views on us! ROFLMAO!


It is like all social networks except no Jesus. Whether folks are believers or non-believers, they are still people with all the same qualities people come with.


Yes. Mos def

Okay, when was the last time someone forced their views on you, and what can I do to help?

@AnneWimsey well they try often enough that i notice. I do suppose most of us here aren’t the type to let that actually happen though. Mostly though I was speaking of the self ego stroking posts. They seem rampant to me. You can help by being yourself I betπŸ˜€


While your statement sounds like you're describing every social media platform out there, I see far less of the preening here than on other social media sites. Of course, I'm somewhat selective with what corners I explore so as to avoid the noise and clutter that I'd rather avoid.

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