I did something crazy today..
Once in a while our client (a Chattanooga based company - Not a Church or faith based company) start their work meetings with a prayer to the "lord".One lady usually starts with a prayer to jeeezuz.
I have been polite all these years and have sat through numerous prayers like this.
I can't report this to HR because they too have participated in these prayers. And the consulting company that I currently work for is not really interested in doing anything about this because they fear losing this contract.
A few months ago she said that I worship the devil - she assumed that I was a religious
"Hindu"...based on my ethnicity I guess. I told her that I'm not a religious person.
Today during the meeting I interrupted her prayer.. there were about 25 people on the video call..
I told that I feel physically uncomfortable whenever I hear the word Jesus... like a fire burns on my skin...and I have to turn off the speakers..and requested my boss to please IM me once the prayer is done..
They finished the prayer and my boss messaged me to turn the speaker back on..
There was awkward silence for a while and then the meeting started.. no one has talked to me yet about this..
It will be great if they fire me for this...
But they won't...
"A few months ago she said that I worship the devil"
so, slander or defamation at least, id be getting myself a recorder, and did anyone else hear that said? Get a recorder, and bring that up again. And get paid
No one else heard that.. Im recording conversations that might delve into things like this..but so far I haven't gotten anything concrete as proof. It is just a matter of time before they slip up..Im sure.
Maybe others involved secretly feel as you do. I'm shocked to find that the hypocrites in Washington start everything off daily this same way.
June Update (For those interested in following this) - No one has reached out to me regarding this yet.
"starts with a prayer to jeeezuz."
"I have been polite all these years"
lol, ok
Oh ..Should I have spelt it Yeezuzz?
@EternalVagabond idrc how you spell it tbh; as long as there is an h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e in there somewhere
@bbyrd009 I don't understand...
Tolerating BS for many years is hypocritical? until you can't take it anymore...
You probably have a point...but I don't get it..please elaborate..
Im not saying Jeeezuz on their faces..nor rubbing science and rationality on them..Im just giving a message that their private superstitions are infringing on my rights..
Just imagine..if the Devil was real...and there were indeed Devil worshippers..Im just protecting them from the grievous harm a prayer to allah(god) would do..
@EternalVagabond well then wadr that makes you = to the worst believer imo, who also believes they are "helping" others? How ezackly are your "rights" being infringed upon?
@bbyrd009 The same way the first amendment can't be an excuse for using racial slurs in the workplace, shouldnt the freedom of religion be treated the same way? not to rub your religion onto others?
isnt that harrasment?
you don't see it?
@EternalVagabond oh, i totally agree with that, and imo proselytizing should be a punishable offense, like it is in most of the mideast, where that is considered extremely gauche, yes. However i suspect that Yah and Jesus feel the same way, and i could even provide Quotes for that. So imo we have a situation here, where those who use the Name "Jesus" the most surely know the least, leading those with any sense--you--into denigrating, out of (with all due respect) ignorance?
"Jesus of Nazareth" basically xlates into "John Doe, from Nowhere" in rabbi-speak fwiw...and there was even a movie back in the forties, um, Barbara Stanwick maybe? "Meet John Doe" (what we are told is "Jesus" is actually "Joshua," the most common name in the known world then, and Nazareth was literally Nowhere, not even inhabited in the 1st C...)
@EternalVagabond also fwiw you have grounds for a case, which i would start documenting and prolly pursue, as you are likely to get fired. Public prayers have been outlawed even in the US now i think? So i would at least be demanding a nice severance, with your doc as an expressed threat!