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Why do the SJWs try to Normalise Paedophilia?

PBuck0145 7 June 22

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There are entire organizations with slogans like "sex by 8 or it's too late" but they are nasty deviants! And pretty much have been for decades. BUT
Why would you post a statement as prejudicial as this? How are SJW's somehow involved? Where the Hell do you find this weirdo stuff? And why?
Oh, wait, drump troll alert!

Why would you defend SJWs? The once commendable pursuit of social justice has been hijacked by the regressive left. Do you consider yourself to be a SJW?

@PBuck0145 I would rise up for Any group being slandered with BS such as this...except actual pedophiles......


Claims to be an atheist then immediately uses God as a foundation for his argument. This human is deeply confused.

skado Level 9 June 22, 2020

Nobody is trying to normalize paedophilia. This guy has just constructed himself a monster of a strawman, so he can so valiantly slay it, (and btw, don’t forget to buy my merchandise).

skado Level 9 June 22, 2020

Twisting the facts to create outrage-worthy clickbait for personal gain. All thumbs down.

skado Level 9 June 22, 2020
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