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The WH Coronavirus briefing with VP Pence made me feel like a guy was trying to sell me a used car

Leetx 7 June 26

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With no wheels or motor, a quality POS.


Well spotted!


he's younger than I am but looks at least 10 years older than me.

I still think he may be a modified “grey” sent to oversee and manage the Trump “Robot”! 😂🤖

1're stronger than I am. I cannot LOOK at that smarmy face! He reminds me of the ''pastor's assistants'' in Baptist churches....bland as oatmeal but seething inside with evangelical passions!


Yup no kidding

bobwjr Level 10 June 26, 2020

TOTALLY AGREE -Pence sounds like phony car salesman with no facts just bs.

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