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The only things I like about religion are the art and architecture. I just returned from a fabulous trip to Europe, where I saw A LOT of churches, cathedrals, abbeys, monasteries and the like... They were all GORGEOUS! Filled with beautiful art. It's very nice to look at but the religious significance falls on my dead ears. It all seems so rediculous, the oppulence and money spent.
Has anyone been to the mothership in Rome? Wow!
For an athies, I sure have been in a lot of churches! Ha!

KrisPantz 3 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm sorry for my spelling mistakes etc... I don't know how to fix it now that it's posted.


Of course that was the goal of religion, to overwhelm us with the place, the art, the music, back in the day when we all lived in dark shacks.


This atheist played the pipe organ in church for years and my family was involved in stained glass restoration in churches up and down the east coast. I still even get permission to play some Bach now and then on some really magnificent pipe organs in beautiful stone churches. Not for services though. For me, it’s like visiting a museum.


Mankind has wasted a lot of time, energy, and resources, building magnificant churches while the people live in hovels.


The late 14th, and 15th century, popes were so corrupt, and lived so lavishly, that they sold "indulgences" to raise money to finance their lifestyles. Sure, they commissioned many great works of art and architecture, but they sold off "forgiveness" to support their corrupt lives.
That behavior is precisely what led Martin Luther to start the Reformation.


The Vatican with all its riches was oppulent and sad. Children were begging one block away. All that money put into jewels, crowns and riches instead of going to the Church's impoverished parishioners worldwide is disgusting to me.


Id love an old church as a home


I view all the churches and cathedrals in the world as silent testament to humnkind's capacity for delusion.


Agreed. What’ll really bake your noodle is how much of that art and beauty was created by individuals that were closer non-believers, afraid of the systems in place during their times to “come out” as an athiest.
Michealangelos work in the Sistine Chapel is my favorite.
The bubble god is in takes the very same shape as the human brain. Stem and lobes and everything. Hidden meaning? Maybe god only exists in the human brain? Maybe.
Pretty cool stuff.


They are truly beautiful. But remember these all had huge human costs associated with them.

@ThatpersonIam And you know that how?

@ThatpersonIam And where do you think the money came from for these projects?

@ThatpersonIam 'nuff said.


Do you ever see the exploitation of the masses by the royalty, clergy, aristocrats and elitists to construct these monoliths?

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