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The Radical racist Black Lives Matters group needs to be stopped as it is not any different than the equally racist KKK.

Trajan61 8 July 6

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The KKK hasn't been stopped, so what's the difference?


A racist hate group that uses BLM as a front to get away with their bullshit .

lori99 Level 5 July 11, 2020

Racists for sure

All lives aren't in jeopardy, Black's lives are in jeopardy at the moment.. BLM isn't racist at all.. It's a protest against bad cops not any particular race...


Just curious.

All that bunch wants to do is wreak havoc and create anarchy!

@Trajan61 Exactly!

@Trajan61 The "socialists" use any / all techniques that applies to each
country to impose populism. your eyes.

It's not up to BLM to do these things... It's a protest group, not government or a city or state agency...


"Radical"? When hundreds of thousands of people of every color march all over the country for weeks? Sounds like Mainstream to me! And about time, because if they feel free to kneel on one group until they die, what makes you so special?


@Trajan61 are you for real?

Ok, I checked and you have an account with photos. I guess you can spout any ignorant stuff you want.


I can not believe some of the outrageous demands of these racist haters

Too small to read on my


How about all lives matter?

In this sick environment it is politically incorrect to think that all lives matter and you will be labeled a racist fo stating so .

@godlessguy Then if "all lives matter" is the wrong way to think I imagine everybody will become pro-abortion..

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