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For all those grammer poilce that are so anal about everything and just downright pain in the ass... (heres youre sine) 🙂

mistymoon77 9 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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The teacher told the children to get their notebooks and pencils out and copy what is written on the blackboard. A voice at the rear of the class says, 'I ain't got a pencil.' The teacher corrects him by saying: 1. I have not got a pencil. 2. You have not got a pencil. 3. He has not got a pencil. 4. She has not got a pencil. 5. We have not got any pencils. 6. They have not got any pencils. The kid responds, 'where are all the fucking pencils?'

lol... love it.. good one


"grammer poilce"

This is bait. Right? 🙂

Yur good.. yur hired 😉


As a grammar nazi, I approve this message. 🙂


Your and you're; do you want to know your shit or know you're shit?

They forgot then and than.

I don't consider myself a grammar nazi, and I am not perfect, but there's a limit. I have coworkers who cannot compose an email that even makes sense. Forget the Oxford comma. These people could be WH speech writers.

JimG Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

Guilty as charged!!

(Actually, I've softened a lot. Trying to keep up with it is too much work. lol)


I have little respect for police of any kind.


Ol ay jav 2 say is ??????? ( Good one sister !!! ) Have a great weekend !!




Good one!!


We and wee-e-e-e

godef Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

Hahahaha! Do they make an apostrophe ruler to crack knuckles with?

I do get annoye'd by fl'agrant use of the'm.


i just think its funny 2 watch some people let a bit of bad spelling or a misused word or some other such nonsense get them all worked up. some people r good at this and some at that. so what if one of their things isnt grammar, if its that big of an issue 4 u, find other people 2 talk 2. no reason 2 attack someone

Byrd Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

@Fanburger not true but if that's how u feel that's up 2 u. ive seen what u have 2 say on this site and don't generally put much stock in it. have a great day tho

@Fanburger oh, I'm sorry u feel that way...keep trying tho, this is pretty funny


I do appreciate proper grammar, but I'm not going to be anal about it.

exactly... people don't need to be a butthead about every single thing written.. remember, it's about content, not just semantics.

@mistymoon77 true, but there is something to be said for eloquence.

@mistymoon77 as long as i understand it


I'm not part of the 'grammar police', we are not writing an essay for an exam, but, grammar is a key part of communicating efficiently. It can be quite irritating reading a passage several times over, to try to understand the authors intention. I sympathise completely with people who struggle with the language, so, I don't comment on their errors. However, if you are getting corrected by people, see it as a part of learning. I don't know it all, but, when I make a mistake, I learn from it. I also proof-read my comments, to try to avoid any faux pas.


When some word seems out of place in a post I look at my keyboard for the closet letter and think, " oh that's what they meant to type". No big deal to me, guilty myself at times of that.

3 biggest problem is auto correct ... it drives me nuts sometimes... lol

i fights you sometimes


Thanks. That was cathartic!


Can I bring up “lose, and loose”? Seriously. Where did this one go wrong?

Many years ago, I had a job working on a railroad repair crew. Some of my coworkers were to put it mildly "rough around the edges." One Monday morning one of them said: "hey, look at my new tattoo!" He had taken a razor blade and in large block letters carved a "tattoo" onto the back of his hand and filled it in with ink. "It read " BORN TO LOOSE"

This is when I decided to NOT become a grammar police officer 🙂

@PappyOnWings i saw one that just said born to loos


As a grammar pedant, thanks for the reminder. It's not worth getting worked up about though.

That's why it's in the silly fun random category.

This meme was meant for people with a sense of humor, not everyone got it...


Ooo love them..were can I purchase these pencils?


(here's your sign)

Ahhh, I feel so much better.

gramar nazi 😉

@mistymoon77, I confess. (one m? Seriously?)


cool pencils.


Fucking pisses me right off as a dyslexic


I prefer to make grammar citizen's arrests rather than calling the police.


They left out cite, sight, and site. They also left yore off of the your/you're pencil.

d_day Level 7 Apr 6, 2018
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