Biden on The View
As usual the establishment Dems fuck up everything they touch and did so again by making this assclown our only choice for a savior. Yeah, I know, anybody but Trump but goddamn!
Thanks, that was worthwhile. At least most of the things he says make sense. I believe he can and will lead us out of this mess.
You thought what he said made sense??
@TeresaWyckoff Most of it made sense. If there was a transcript, I'd be able to follow what he was saying from it without seeing the video.
He is an old man. I don't expect him to sound like someone under 50. Everything he said made more sense than anything Trump says and this election year that is the standard.
@TeresaWyckoff you cannot understand complete sentences after listening to rambling disjointed drumpisms, your logic filters have been damaged. Get help!
@AnneWimsey I heard rambling, and avoidance to answer questions.