31 3

Just do it.

JustLynnie 7 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I sang my first solo live on Radio 4VEH, Haiti, in 1954..just before my second birthday.
I pronounced "possible," as "po-thible," so was teased about the song for years.


I pass too much gas daily.

TMI !!!!


Lol. Gas-X is my friend now.

@Sarahroo29 ewww

@buzz13 Haha. I'm saving people around me. Do you see why I have no friends? Lol, I'm kidding.


I can pick things up with my toes.

me too

Freaked my (now ex-) husband out whenever I picked stuff up with my toes. When I found that out, I made sure to do it more often in his presence.

Me too... I always thought everybody can.


I can use the top shelves of my kitchen.


I once broke one of my mother's bones stuffing her into a Coke bottle.

I guess I should explain that.

When my mom passed years ago, she wanted her ashes scattered at the beach. Not knowing the laws regarding scattering someone's remains, I wanted to find something inconspicuous to transport her ashes in. One of her favorite things was Coca-Cola, so I funneled her ashes into three 16oz bottles that myself and two friends who were really close to her would use to take her to her final resting place. I was not aware that when a body is cremated, not quite everything actually burns up, as there were some small bone fragments left over amongst the ashes. As I funneled them into one of the bottles, one of said bone fragments got lodged in the funnel, so I had to jab someting down in there, thereby breaking said fragment to get it that's how I broke one of my mother's bones stuffing her into a Coke bottle. Funny thing is, if she was still alive and could tell it, that would be the first story she told you about herself.


@SACatWalker They really turn the bones to dust in the cremains I've received?

I've never had any experience with cremation before this. Maybe they just did a shitty job, I don't know. Still makes for an interesting story, though.


I read "chick/lit" horror novels,


I only eat once a day. My puppy eats more than I do.

same, almost every days for the past 41 years.


There is still glass inside my heel from stepping on a bottle when I was 14.


I shot myself in the upper lip with an arrow when I was 13 or 14. Richoceted off an Empty antifreeze jug directly back into me. Screwy, huh...

@MrLizard penetration into my upper gum! Yup, there's a scar but I've not seen it since 1983.


I was / am a stutterer. I stuttered terribly as a kid. I did speech therapy. I am mostly cured. I was a DJ on my college radio station and I enjoy public speaking. Every now and then, a stutter will creep in for a second or two. I slow down and it will go away.


I can't sleep if my closet door is open.

Or the dresser drawers!!!


My first serious girlfriend (also the first girl I ever had sex with), my first wife, and my second wife, all were briefly waitresses at the same restaurant, though I didn't meet them there.


I cleaned under the refrigerator today.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Life on the edge. Right on the razor sharp edge.


I love to cook, but one of my favorite things to eat is sliced jalapenos with sriracha on bread.

I made a hip-hop cd with my buddy when I was 13. We released a follow-up single in 2014.

MrHIT Level 5 Apr 7, 2018

my mom and several people i know, are convinced i can talk 2 and understand animals...i did not try 2 convince them of this lol

Byrd Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

I like to wear wo........never mind.

@MrLizard lol


For some reason older/elderly people are drawn to me. I’m constantly approached in the grocery store, Target, by kid’s events, etc. my older folks. I enjoy helping and speaking with them though so it’s all good.


I can shoot a 4" grouping at 200 yds over iron sights.

@Akfishlady Target shooting with a rifle. I shot years ago as a Boy Scout.

@Akfishlady Fair 'nuff. It was random and the only thing on my mind at the time. Here's another: Once I took a 1:72 scale T-72 and kit-bashed it with an AH-64 to make a wicked tank for 40K using the Rogue Trader rule set. First time we tried it out against Eldar and they blew it apart with a D-cannon.
Bet you love me now.

Off hand or from a rest?


My shoe size is 14 wide. Not always easy to find


As a child, my shoe size matched the grade I was in. It stopped at size 13

@MrLizard Fair point! "My shoe size was my age"; though I've always liked, "act your age, not your shoe size."


I went to finishing school.

@JustLynnie yeah....I know. I get alot of that lol. Most people are shocked such a thing still existed.


I have opposable toes..


I am a symbiot and my last ex is a chimera.
Me after a marine infection that is not parasitic but seems to contribute to my immune system, and she post liver transplant.

@JustLynnie As far as they can make out it is a type of marine sediment fungus which are now being investigated as antibacterial, antiviral and anticancer agents. I just get a head start I guess, I got the infection in 1971.


The first two, and only, times I ate an aubergine (egg plant) I had a nose bleed.


There are only four people in the UK with my second name and only one person in France with my full first and second name --- (ha ha its not rumpelstilskin)


One of my godfathers is Randi (or so says my mom).

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