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Just do it.

JustLynnie 7 Apr 7

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I sang my first solo live on Radio 4VEH, Haiti, in 1954..just before my second birthday.
I pronounced "possible," as "po-thible," so was teased about the song for years.


I am the sole product of a marriage that started on Devil's Night.
My failed marriage started on Friday the 13th.
My first kid was born 3 weeks early on Devil's Night.
My second was born 9 days late on Friday the 13th.
My pup was born on Friday the 13th.

dkp93 Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

What is Devil's night?

@RavenCT It's the night before Halloween. I'm from Detroit, and Devil's Night used to be a big night for fires there. It would make the news around the world. "The Crow" starring Brandon Lee was set on Devil's Night. Detroit has worked hard to stop the yearly event as it wasn't very good for their image.


I am not weird because that is subjective... and that is... weird to me.


I have a hard time making friends.


I set of an aerial bomb on a SAC air base next to the nuclear B47 bombers in 1965.

Still waiting for them to come and get me.


Oh nice try !!!

Ahh.. I have to spell it out...ok.... Ain't gonna reveal my secrets, that's what I meant. Is it clear now? Just making sure...

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