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Let's face it people, we are experiencing the same mass insanity that Germany experienced back in the 1930's. The period between November 3 and January 20 will determine our fate. I must remain hopeful.

DaveClark 4 Aug 15

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One HUGE difference: Germans had no history of similat0r occurrences to look back on,and be warned by. WE do!


Try to remember how many wars, pandemics, depressions, divisions, etc, we've survived in this country. We'll get through this, too...and come out stronger when it's done.

Never before has 40% of the population been duped into destroying the liberty of 100% of the population.

@BitFlipper And we WILL get through this. Think back on the Civil War....treason everywhere. It was hell. The nation got through it and, even though it still resonates today....we'll continue on.


The only ingredient missing is a great depression but it looks like one of those is fast approaching.


I didn't believe it in 2016, when people made those comparisons. I believe it now.

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