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Friday next week is my birthday and I'm taking it off. Have never just randomly hit the road, but that's what I think im going to do. Tank up, load a bag, and hit the road. Not even sure which direction. Not east though. That's the ocean. Four days of being in the wind. Im starting to feel it!

RidingAlone 6 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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bobwjr Level 10 Aug 27, 2020

I hope your trip turns out as great as you think it will be.


I'll be doing something similar for my birthday. I'm taking a flight out to Vegas for a couple of days , Mine is the 10th.

And I hope you hit the jackpot.


Go south to where you can have grits for breakfast and hush puppies for lunch and supper. Or north and hike Mt. Washington in NH.


Happy Birthday and have fun.


Don't forget your PPE! You don't know what you'll find along the way.


I loved the history and charm of Virginia, I used to live in the Hampton Roads area. There is lots to see and do as I recall. Enjoy your travels.


If I were in your shoes, I would head north. Just steer and let the day unfold naturally. Nothing to plan or worry about. Just be in the moment and follow whatever catches your eye. Should make for a very relaxing journey.

North is where I'm thinking the dregs of these two gulf storms are headed. Maybe it'll all pass by then.

@RidingAlone I think they will have passed by then but please keep an eye on that.

It will be a lovely time of year to travel, regardless. I just want you to be able to relax and let it all hang out, as we used to say. Doesn't matter how far you go or what you do, just truly free time to push all worry aside. I usually my birthdays alone but I can't get away so I am going to live vicariously through you.

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