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7 Things that PROVE God is Real is an article written six years ago by J. Lee Grady that I just heard about yesterday so I looked it up and read it. Of course, it was ridiculous. His first argument is Babies and it just gets weaker from there.

Here's the link, read it for yourself and wonder in amazement at what Xians think proves a magical man in the sky is totally a real thing.


[] -- These links keep getting disabled after I post them for some strange reason. Its happened twice since I created this thread.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I was a baby once. I really exist. People seem to have confusion about my name. No, it is not God. Shannon is my name and I am real.

Word Level 8 Sep 1, 2020

You have proven you exist by just replying to this thread. God can't do even that much to prove his own existence but we can't hold that against him, that would be like holding a grudge against the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.

@Sgt_Spanky It is well established that people are gods. Does that mean YOUR definition or expectations of a God thingie exist, no. I am a style of god, I exist. I am not Santa claus nor the easter bunny.

@Word People are not gods, people create gods like they created Santa and the Easter Bunny.

@Sgt_Spanky So, you say people are creators? You agree with biblical text that the people created Jesus style god? Gods are considered to be creators. So, a person having creation ability then has capabilities attributed to be a God thingie.

@Word If that's what you believe you're welcome to do so.

@Sgt_Spanky it is not about believing. A stripped horse is called a Zebra, it is not about believing it is about knowledge and knowing what it is.


Oh dear, yet another 'piss weak' attempt at proving a complete and utter negative.
When, oh when will they learn I ask.
Firstly, ANY claim made WITHOUT empirically tried and tested supportive evidence is therefore nothing more than a FALSE claim at best.
Now let us discuss a few salient points offered by this 'piss weak' claim,

  1. God, their Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy 'creates/weaves' every single baby in the womb of a woman.
    Well, that does NOT ring true either biologically or biblically, etc, etc, GIVEN that it WAS this self-same God who, itself, CURSED the women to suffer the pains of birth, a monthly menstrual cycle and to damned in its sight for ALL Eternity for simply tasting the fruit of a Tree.
    Now, how many of these miraculous woven creations, i.e. babies, are miscarried each and every year, are they just cases of Gods imperfect weaving skills, how many babies/children, the Created Weavings of God, die every day worldwide from hunger, diseases, etc, etc, that this God created also?
    Are they just merely a kind of God's collateral 'damage?'
  2. 'A personal relationship with God,' How does one have a 'personal relationship' with something/someone that is,
    a) described as being Non-corporeal, beyond ALL Time, Space and Physicality, can neither be seen, touched, heard, etc, etc?
  3. This God of which the article ATTEMPTS to prove of its existence also creates and cause Weather, Storms, Thunder, Rain, etc, etc, then why does it/she/him,
    a) cause droughts, famines, floods etc, etc, to ravage the lands and peoples it/she/him has also created?
    Yep, makes a whole lot sense to me, NOT. When compared to the myriad of Gods, Goddesses, Deities, etc, etc, that were assumed to precede it/her/him in Human history.
    For example, the Gods, etc, of the Ancient Greeks were almost as human as those who worshiped them, they 'toyed' with humans and human affairs at every opportunity that became available BUT they also aided humans in their quests and attempted achievements, not just sat back and did Sweet Fuck All.
    Give me a relationship with someone who is tangible, visible, provable and 100% REAL any time over something that is the ENTIRE opposite.

just the name of the site turned me off, why even post this drivel?


Very weak evidence for a god. The bible is the claim, not the evidence. Not much of a god, if two humans make the baby.

Exactly. If a crack whore and a meth fiend can make a baby together then how beautiful and miraculous can it possibly be?

'Weak' you say, I'd say completely piss weak, piss poor and the closest that anyone can get to actually 'clutching at straws.

Biblical text is the definition not the claim or evidence. Big difference most do not understand.


Link timed out, I am sorry to say.

Hmm, yes, it is. It's been working fine til now. The site is loading but that content is just grinding away and isn't. Maybe it's a site issue that'll get resolved later.

Try it now. I linked to the same content through an alternate URL.


Well my Sister says that her god is real because the bi-bull has been around for thousand of years, and people have believed in the same god for as long - so there !
What's sad is, she's an educated, seemingly intelligent being. eesh.


Can't get enough of these Xian arguments in favor of God? Here's an additional 6 Things that PROVE God os Real, article written by Lesli White. A couple of them overlap with the 7 Things article so there's really only 3.5 new things here.


I think the first four, i.e. the wonders of nature, kind of prove that god, at least the god of the 'buy-babble' does not exist. How could the stupid dick in the book, who does not even have basic social skills and can not write clearly, design those things.


Thank you ...for bringing to mind how getting older allows you to skip all kinds of shit.. And gosh, seven layers 😉

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

It IS true that I don't have enough time to look at Snapdragons. And if I did have the time, I still probably wouldn't

twill Level 7 Aug 30, 2020

Let's call it the beauty of nature. I stop to enjoy the beauty of nature that's around me all the time and it hasn't yet persuaded me there's a GOD and it never will.

@Sgt_Spanky idk what a snapdragon is

@twill Apparently, for Xians, it's proof of God. For the rest of us it's a flower.


Sold me! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


One of the stupidest things I've ever read (the linked article, that is). Ugh.

It's very stupid and this is the sort of "proof" the average Xian accepts as evidence for their preposterous faith.

@Sgt_Spanky Oh I know. A friend posted a video showing proof that god created the earth and everything in it. The video showed someone talking to students at a college/university getting the students to agree that since a book is so wonderfully put together (binding, pages are in order, content is amazing, etc.) someone must have put it together, and therefore since the earth and its contents are so amazingly well designed and put together, someone must have created it. WTF? That proves nothing at all relating to a god; it only proves that religious people are idiots. Needless to say, not my friend anymore. Can't stand idiocy.


I did not enjoy reading this.

I found myself rolling my eyes a lot.


All based on faith, remove faith then try that again, you will fail to prove there is a God.

They can't prove it with or without faith. We could level the playing field entirely in their favor and they'd still fail.


Those who profess a belief in deities are often truly impossible to reach with logic or reason.
They like their delusions and are loathe to give them up.
Many of them will go to great and ridiculous lengths to protect them.

I do not take any of them seriously, and seldom even bother to listen to their claims.
It's a waste of my time. I don't even find them amusing anymore.

The fact that they have to use personal anecdotes and interpret prosaic events like childbirth and thunderstorms as proof that a magical superbeing is real demonstrates just how flaccid their arguments are.

@Sgt_Spanky Indeed. I no longer have the inclination to even debate the issue with them.
I used to enjoy sparring and taking their "arguments" apart. I don't anymore.

@KKGator I have to admit, I still enjoy sparring with them and pointing out the many ways they're wrong even if they ignore all the logic that gets thrown at them.

@Sgt_Spanky Enjoy!!

@Sgt_Spanky Well im mainly with KKGator, but ten out of ten for patience, if you can still manage it well done.

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