I’m discussing gifts for her sister’s birthday and suggested these, the jacket is made from trash and that process gave jobs to Haitians and for every pair of socks you purchase, a homeless person gets a pair. She told me she wouldn’t waste her money on that. Very sad. I’m getting the jacket now for her sister and the socks for Christmas (frivolous gift exchange day) for both of them!
Black and red
4 pack of these:
It's always distressing when a family member loses their grip on reality.
Kyle Rittenhouse' mother should be on trial. She knew her son was armed, she knew he was underage to be in possession of such a deadly weapon, she drove him there! This §#! * breeds at home and encouraged by Rightwinger surroundings.
You'll have peace if you call on your women friends....read the ''right'' websites/podcasts and go out of your way to do good things for needy people. Believe me, I understand. Seeing the future isn't fun right now....but it WILL work out! If you're old enough to have a granddaughter, you might remember how awful Viet Nam was...and we got past it. There've been so many more---
are you sure your political beliefs are so important? i lost my younger son a year ago, and if i could hear his voice again i wouldn't care if he wanted to bring back human sacrifice.
This is hard as a parent. Give it time. Keep speaking to your daughter about life and love and kindness, and keep sharing your views without anger.
Four years ago my son told me Black Lives Matter was a terrorist group. He showed me a right-wing podcast that he based his opinion on. I challenged him with differing views to no avail. His mother, my ex, teamed with him and threatened me for calling our son a racist (a term I did not use!). It was chaos. I never backed down nor did I belittle him. I just kept speaking to him, offering different perspectives, came at him with as much respect as I could offer despite what I believed was his bigotry and wrongheadedness. Now he’s living with me. He’s come 180 degrees from where he was.
Sounds like you had to deprogram him.
@TomMcGiverin Just a steady and ongoing dialog that finally wore him down, I think. That, and he met and fell in love with a mixed-race woman