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I need to come on here more... Don't know anyone, yet, but I'd bet money that I wouldn't get mad and annoyed like every time I get on mo-funkin' twitter. That place is filled with miserable people who hate their live and everything around them. #exhaustedOfTheNegitvity and #politicalTribalism.

M1NDM4NIC 3 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Buddhism teaches that life is suffering. Join us in that endeavor.




welcome. Yeah I stopped getting on fb and twitter. This is the only social platform I mess with now.


Welcome to the community... As Jean Luc Picard says, engage !


Com on in, watch where ya step. If it smells funny don't touch it. We don't mind the mess. Hope you don't.


I hate my life and everything around me. But they seem to like me here.


Here's the deal....everyone on the planet is upset to some degree by this damned pandemic. Additionally, those of us who are US citizens are dealing with the worst president we've ever had. People are dying. It sucks.

So...although I don't use twitter, I can imagine most of those who post are as upset as people on FB and all the other outlets.

We're good people here...we like each other and have lots of groups to join, etc. Come on back and look for the ''light.'' There are only 63 more days until elections!

I'm not upset. I'm not Upset.......I'm NOT upset!~!!!!~~!~!!

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