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William Barr being honored at a Catholic breakfast.

I don't know why it is virtual. I think they should hold it in person with no mask wearing.


MyTVC15 7 Sep 8

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Hmmm, is he going to get the usual style of 7 Hail Mary's, 8 Our Fathers and "Please pass me the next Altar Boy?"
If it were up to me I'd offer the whole lot of them up as a Tasmanian Devil Buffet then sit back and watch the Tassie Devils as they tear them to shreds and eat them.


You are sooooo mean, don't you relise that they could get sick???????

Like my mother did. yes, I wish they would all get sick and go through what my mother did before she died.

Here's hoping they do.


the only place Barr should be " honored " is in front of a firing squad




billy barrf ought to be in jail for all his crimes.


What is a catholic breakfast??? An early hour wafer and wine??

Creme of sum yung mene!!


cannot get rid of the GOP soon enough


Yes, and they should all hold hands and slobber on each other. 🙂

Rudy did at the RNC

@MyTVC15 I once had a lot of respect for him. As a federal prosecutor in New York, he took down many of the big crime families and mob men like John Gotti, Sammy “The Bull” Gravano, many others. Now he’s a total fuckin’ buffoon.

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