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If you could only choose one, know when you will die or manner of death?

sandrarocks83 7 Sep 13

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Age 90 death by college co eds

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 13, 2020

As to time of death, in three months I will be ninety. No one else in my immediate family has made it to eighty five and I have completed all that I have most wanted to do. So, I don’t care when I die.

As to manner, next to the main door to my living space and on the wall over my bed I have posted signs saying ”DNR, dammit!” My neighbors know the outside sign means “Do Not Resuscitate” and we joke about it. My doctor knows I want a painless death and I have signed and posted all the required papers.

My dream is to go the way Hunter Thompson said he wanted to go—skidding in sideways exclaiming “What a helluva ride1”


Nah surprise me


Honestly, neither!! I might like to think if I knew the “how”, perhaps changes might thwart it.

Zster Level 8 Sep 13, 2020

Ignorance can be bliss.


I've always thought that if I died during intercourse, my epitaph could be, "He came and went at the same time"....


Shot on the rise by a jealous husband 🙂


As for me, I’d choose manner cause if it turns out I die at the hands of some crazed psycho serial killer, I will always carry a knife and go down with a fight!! Please note that this was posted in Silly, Random & Fun. Y’all have a nice rest of your day.


I know I will die by bleeding to death, tried it once, my body will probably try again. Hope it does not work, to curious to see what is in store for us. The when is I hope I do not know, I want to be surprised.

Horrible stuff that warfarin 🙁

@Cyklone No drug, a condition where the blood platelets cease to function.

@dalefvictor bugger.


i never deal with theoretical speculative questions that are not reality based

But only to say you don’t huh? 👌👍🏽

@sandrarocks83 I always express my POV as this site is precisely a forum for opinions

@Mofo1953 nice!


I sure as hell don't want to know either. As others have said I would wish to die in my sleep without pain but as to when NO. As to manner of death if it's not in my sleep NO.

gearl Level 8 Sep 13, 2020

Well, I don't really care how I die as it's something unavoidable. Painless would be great. During sleep might be good as well.


Everyone wants a painless death, to die in your sleep.

I'm no exception.

That was my grandfather's thoughts also not yelling and screaming like the others in the car. 🤪


I don't want to know either.


I already feel deep in my bones that is it just around the bend.


Manner of death. I don't wish to know when.


I'll pass on this. I don't want to know either.


It doesn't matter how or when. To me what matters is what happens after the body dies.

Hopefully, my body will be wrapped in a mushroom suit, turned into compost and used as fertilizer for trees and shrubs, etc. This is the best way to get my atoms and energy back into the mix thus helping other life to exist. I have no reason to think my consciousness continues on; and I don't want it to.

@Joanne that's very generous of you. However it's still a mystery.

@SkyreckedLoemm : I guess it isn't a mystery to me. I don't wonder at all about what happens after I die. Once my brain dies, my consciousness will be no more; and I am fine with that.


Manner of death.


Well, I plan to choose both. Who is going to stop me?


Definitely when... Then the rest of life would be a long party!


I'm not leaving it to someone else to tell me when or how. I've always said that I will be the one to choose when and how I die. If I know the manner of death then I will know when.


Um... how about neither?


Neither, who cares....i had a large, sudden stroke at age 38, (39th birthday in hospital) and it is all, always, a surprise!


I definitely would rather know when, not how. I work and play better with a deadline. I could prepare, by organizing my belongings and finances, and I wouldn't take any gigs after a particular date.

I don't want to know how. I hope to be happy and healthy without a worry, all the way up to the date of death, by continuing healthy habits along with my few vices that make me happy.

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