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A Little historical insight into pendemic


dave1459 8 Sep 18

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This makes me think of when more than 25% of the nation was inoculated for a pandemic that never materialized.


Did you ever think that was WHY it never materialized?

@AnneWimsey No. Firstly, because according to what was written, “not only had a pandemic yet to appear, but no swine flu cases outside of the Fort Dix cluster had even been reported.” Secondly, I forgot to put quotation marks around my initial comment. With that in mind, my comment was only intended to share information from that time period, not answer or opine as to “WHY” the swine flu did or did not progress. Lastly, while it is clear to me (based on evidence) that the actions of the current administration are not sufficient to address this pandemic, I have not read and am unaware of any evidence that would lead me to a similar conclusion for the aforementioned (swine flu) time period. Generally speaking, I prefer not to speculate, but of course we are free to say and do as we choose.

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