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My smoking, drinking, pregnant "great christian" neighbor (from hell) just puked on her front porch (again). 😒🙄😤🤬😡😠 What the FUCK is wrong with people!? Ugh. Two more days and we're outta here. Bring it!!!

antireligious 5 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Well if puking from pregnancy, she cannot help it. LOL
IF puking from getting drunk, her and her fetus would be better off if she aborted. That poor kid will probably have FAS now.


Oh shit, sounds very much to me like there's going be yet another child born with F.A.D.D.S. ( Foetal Alcohol and Drug Dependency Syndrome), the poor little kid's chances of getting anywhere in life are looking bloody slim if that's the case.
9 times out of 10 the baby/s are born either suffering from withdrawal symptoms or they start with them in the first few days after birth IF they survive at all that is.
IF they survive then their physical and Mental development is, more often than not, severely retarded, they do very badly at school, usually they are very late in learning to walk, talk, etc, etc, have very intense and possibly violent mood swings, can be very introverted, sociological backwards to the extreme, lack the powers of concentration, have either very short attention spans or none at all and even worse for them, some even end up as little than living in a 'vegetative' state because of the irreversible brain damage caused by the Drugs/Alcohol taken in by the mother during pregnancy.
That poor child is looking down the barrel of a life of 'pushing shit up-hill' thanks to his mother and her drinking, the child has a probably shorten than the normal life span to live with not much more than a hard struggle every minute of every day for that entire life.


Maybe you coulda sung along to it, "Onward puking soldiers", complete with confident swagger.


Hang on, you'll be gone soon

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 25, 2020

Jesus will protect fetuses from contaminants. Duh.


Call child protective services!! That poor baby!! 😣😣😣😡😡😡


Don't assume she threw up due to heavy drinking.

In my first trimester, I lost nine pounds from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy). Often could not keep water down.

After four months of constant vomiting, my doctor put me on anti-nausea medication. "You need to grow this baby," she said.


I pay little attention.


I think for some Christians heavy drinking is the only way they can cope with their own beliefs.


That is one of the biggest problems in life, you can not chose your neighbors, at times far worse than any fucked up family member could ever be!!!


Some people just have no class, no self-control, no couth. I am not sure that religion has anything to do with it. It is more bad upbringing.
Much happiness in your new home!

It is upbringing. Kids learn what they see.


I just wish you well on your move I'm surrounded by morons also. 🙄


Can you rub her nose in it?
Just tell us that she came out the next morning and asked who puked on her porch. That would be the coup de grace.

Isn't "coup de grace" French for "lawnmower"?

@Green_Soldier71 It was a joke! A play on words.

@Green_Soldier71 No problem. Always look for a deeper meaning to my posts - I used to write satirical articles on local politics and gossip.

@Petter Sorry to hear about your job misfortunes, but what can you do when nothing you can write is stranger than the reality. Or worse, somebody takes it as a challenge.


Is she pregnant and throwing up from drinking? That could be grounds for endangerment.

@Green_Soldier71 Morning sickness causing her to waste perfectly good alcohol.


Be grateful for small mercies. It was not your porch.


She’s already programming this baby for failure. ☹️😞
What a great mom.

Totally true!! The Crystal Meth and Crack are probably next.


Sounds like a real low life piece of shit.


I thought if you were in Spokane or Yakima, that was the custom.


I assume your neighbour is single.


Hope your move goes well.

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