I do not consider myself an Atheist, but an Agnostic. I have studied religions and their morals. In the last few years I came upon Stoicism and lately Humanism, I believe mankind is evolving, at some point we have to let religion go. A lot about morals and ethics is very simple, Treat people as I would like to be treated, keep and open mind, don't let tought biased attitudes fog my thinking. Three of the biggest problems that seperate humankind are race, nationality, and religion. As a race we should all be called the Humanrace, as a nation we should be called Earthlings, and religion shoud be replaceed by a living philosophy that teaches morals and ethics, and respect for all living things including the Earth which is our home. I am just a humble being and these are just my views, I do not wish to push them onto anyone else. Just giving you my point of view. Everyone Enjoy the Day.
Homo sapiens are still evolving, but I also see a strong possibility that mankind becomes extinct before they wise up enough to let religion go. In fact, I see religion as a contributing factor to that extinction.
Race, nationality, and religion, three completely arbitrary ways of dividing and dominating a single species.
All three are delusions, hard delusions but delusions all the same.
There's no real difference in humans that aren't defined by melanin, where you were born and where your parents worshiped.
Damn the three, they just aren't real.
I agree, people need to see the bigger picture, and let their biases go we all bleed red and we all live on this planet we call earth, religion belongs in the passed.
I agree with you and I applaud your statement: "I am just a humble human being..." For me, that kind of humility is the beginning of wisdom. I see what religion is doing to our world. It isn't good, especially when they quote that imperfect book, the Bible, which takes the place of reasoning, of science, of enlightenment.
I have seen enough evidence from multiple different sources from different people over large spans of time to invalidate any religious or spiritual explanation for our existence. It is by far en6for me to believe that no god or gods exist. Obviously I would change my mind if I was shown to be wrong. But that does not make me agnostic. That also applies to pink fire breathing unicorns. And I'm not agnostic about them either.
It's best to work toward a better more inclusive future with less atrocities but remember we are mammals with differing agendas, knowledge and opinions. There will always be conflict and unpleasantness. It seems far to naive and simplistic to expect otherwise.
"Treat people as I would like to be treated" ... you might want to amend that slightly, or hope you don't ever meet someone into BDSM. XD
ha, an extreme example, but i guess "morals and ethics" really are a lot more subjective than we might imagine?
There is a fourth separator which is responsible for significant societal tension: class. The pandemic has revealed, more than just about anything else before it, the impact of social strata on health.
You have very good points of view, I agree wholly with all you wrote here.
I would say the ONLY thing that seperates humankind is ignorance.
i guess Paul lifted a few Stoic sayings and out them into the Bible? Seems like i read that Paul may have even been a Stoic for a while maybe...
Welcome to the site, yes what you say is very agreeable, I prefer Terran though. Damn Klingons called us earthers.
Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
And Death's my destination
-- The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester
Thanks, It looks like I am an Agnostic Atheist.
Your POV is completely mistaken in the area of religion, morals and ethics. All religions are full of shit, open your eyes and you will see hypocrisy, inmorality and unethical behavior from all of them. Religions, all of them, are and have been the source of death and discrimination, xenophobia, misogyny and intolerance, not even talk about homophobia and transphobia, but you can't see or acknowledge these facts? Sorry, but that is just messed up logic and closing your eyes to evidence. Talk about fogging your vision!
Our nation is Earthlings? IDK. I'm only an Agnostic Atheist.
Whether I am an earthling has been called into question.
Do you live on a planet called earth? I really don't know ether.
You say, "I believe mankind is evolving, at some point we have to let religion go. "
I ask: if you understand evolution, it could occur where that a group of people with specific genetic ancestry begins evolving from homo sapian into let's say homo superduperious. So then, the Earth would have 2 intellectual beings seperate and not compatible for sexual mixture. As a lot of evolution goes, the stronger, smarter, better survive. If homo superduperious finds it better to euthanize homo sapian and God thingies decide not to do away with religion, what is homo sapiens to do?
"As a lot of evolution goes, the stronger, smarter, better survive."
That's the fallacy about evolution. There's no end goal. Sloths for example have been around far longer then humans, and glacially slow. There's few creatures as stupid as a koala bear, if you pick the leaves that they would normally eat and put them on a plate for a koala it doesn't know what they are.
Evolution requires separation of breeding populations, the difference between bonobos and chimpanzees is due to a river that neither species can cross.
Humans are a global community, we're in no danger of having multiple intelligent species of homo.
Don't feel bad, most people that agree with evolution have little or no idea of how and why it works, they just assume it's all about changing to something more God like perhaps, but in reality we could very well become even more weak and worthless than we are now.
@Willow_Wisp I understand evolution, have had college biology. Just because something changes, I understand it may not be better but it may still survive. Yet, we as a people are here having what appears to be the best of some intellectual capabilities that would appear to be most recently evolved. Is there some sky scraper ruins from millions ago because some creature knew engineering physics and capable of building city sky scrapers?
@Word We don't have echolocation or sonar nor do we build hives and chimpanzees can take a simon says and keep it going for an eternity. So I'd advise a bit less speciest hubris.
I do not know, I can only work on myself, and help others if they ask
@Willow_Wisp nor do I have spinneret on my butt like spiders.
What organism can learn the chemicals of spiderwebs and make synthetics, but also learn and has learned from other organisms?
So you have no knowledge of any god existing? Do you believe in any gods?
No proof at all
Do you believe in any gods?