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After having a lively argument with a Trump supporter at the park I’m going to report a new rumor from the insane right. Some of them are convinced that Trump received an experimental cure for COVID. That his accidentally gave it away in an interview. That it’s what Trump wants to give all of us and the announcements will happen soon.

To which I ask how many of the dead will be cured? The people that would have lived had the administration (meaning Trump) been honest.

Willow_Wisp 8 Oct 11

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Let's see what happens in the future.....I suspect that people will continue to die from Covid 19.

I estimated at least 40 million people would die of this disease, I see no reason to lower my estimation.
I just wish it only killed people that deserve to die because they're dicks.
But that's not how disease works.


None of that matters. There is nothing he could do they wouldn't rationalize.


Why, didn't you know? Our Jesus Trumpy can raise people from the dead! That's where all his zombie followers come from! In addition, a spy gear company, called Trump Industries has invented a drone communications device, which looks exactly like a common bottle-nose fly. It was this device that landed on Mike Pence's head during the recent debate!
Jesus Trumpy was telling him what to say, and when to interrupt the whole time! Ain't our Jesus Trumpy a smart guy?


Only Trump would use getting himself infected as a ploy to get re-elected.

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