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I've been away for a while. I've missed you heathens.

I have a story to tell here. Last year I spoke with a friend in southern Illinois about a guitar that he's had forever. It was an old, beat-up Kay acoustic. And when I say old, I mean old. It was a 1937 model. He had often talked about restoring it but, finally came to the conclusion that he would never get it done. He offered to sell it to me. He said he wanted to be sure he got it to someone who would restore it and play it.

I didn't know at the time that it would be the last conversation I ever had with my friend. A couple of weeks after I got this beat-up guitar in my hands I was informed that he had died. So, getting it restored was now not just an honor for me but, an obligation. One that I took seriously. The restoration is now complete and I will try to get a video recorded playing it in the next week or so.

I have attached a "before" and "after" picture. I think she looks rather splendid for 81 years old.

Duke 8 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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45 comments (26 - 45)

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Sorry for your loss but that's a great job you did on the guitar.


Beautiful. How was the neck? Does a guitar that old have a truss?

The neck was in really good shape. The dovetail joint where it connected to the body was destroyed and had to be reconstructed. Other than that, the neck was pretty solid and well constructed. Just needed the original frets smoothed and polished and the neck cleaned and buffed. The neck was like new.

@Duke Great job. Too bad your friend didn't get see it.


She is beautiful. How does she play? I just had some work done on my old girl too, but I took mine to a luthier to do it.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 10, 2018

Oh! My gosh...the guitar looks beautiful, how special... that I would imagine it is to play!


Nice story! Can't say I've ever seen a configuration such as this.


Oh my god (pardon the expression), she's beautiful!


Meaningful work made even more meaningful. Good memory.


Good job. The age factor and heartfelt story add character and provenance to the instrument.


You are a good friend.


The guitar was meant for you. Quite a beautiful instrument - I have one son who is professional muso - has a number of guitars. I've never heard of the Kay brand. Do you have a case for it? old things need extra TLC

Thank you! No case for it. This travelled from Illinois to Colorado in the back seat of a friend's car.i keep this one displayed on it's own stand. I've got 33 others. LOL

@Duke 33! you've got it bad mister. Must be like family for you.


Awesome job! Beautiful guitar.



Well done. She's a beauty!


That's a treasure. Question: Does that one have an arched back as well?

If it's genuinely from the 30s, that would be one made right after Kay hooked up with that violin company whose name I can't remember. I had a friend with an old Kay during my pickin' an' grinnin' phase, but it had a really weird body shape. Your finished product looks yummy. Nice work. How does it sound?


Welcome back and my condolences on the loss of your friend.


So sad about your friend. Interesting timing, too! I love it!! Even if it’s sound was less than perfect...when it was held, it would be like a piece of history, that you wish was audible! Enjoy!


Fantastic... I’m a vintage collector and love your story. My friend Bob died last week, I’ll be finishing the song we were working on in his honor with plenty of schtick, because he loved schtick☯️

So sorry about your friend...


Christ in a sidecar, that is quite a story. All applauds to you.


Beautifully done and a lovely tribute.

LB67 Level 7 Mar 20, 2019

Well done. She's a beauty!

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