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Had to share this one...enjoy!!!

linxminx 8 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Holy meal , for exorcism ?

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 16, 2020

If one eats their weight in communion wafers, do they turn into Christ? They don't have much flavor so mixing them into soup might be a good idea. Strange custom, eating the body of Christ... so many things that make so little sense to anyone who thinks about it.

This food was too weird. It didn't look safe enough that I wouldn't eat it. I would also like to see the composition. There are probably a lot of chemicals in there that would be dangerous to your stomach. People have written in the comments that they look like poker chips. Considering that I often play poker, I can agree with that. Poker, by the way, is quite an interesting game for those who like to observe and develop analytical thinking. So if you haven't practiced for a long time, try [] . Perhaps you may like it. Tell me, how do you feel about Black Jack?


I prefer the blood. Where is the "blood of christ"?

I see you are a vampire, getting ready for Halloween?


geebush geehobah ghostholes gorging goop


What are those discs on the left made of? Are they flour and water? Cardboard cutouts? Poker chips soaked in bleach? I've always been curious, but they don't look nutritious...And if you tell me they are made from a reincarnate, I will eat them with salsa and fart in your general direction.

@linxminx They remind me of dehydrated banana chips that my mother insisted on buying when I was a kid.


If it is body of Christ soup should it not be served with Chianti and Fava Beans?


I hope they put some cheddar and parmesan in there. Nothing like a bowl of Cheeses Christ soup!

Cheese... One of my favorite vegetables...

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