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As an atheist, i've been thinking about this for a while now... No self-respecting african-american should follow any religion which was used to justify enslaving them!!

Green_Soldier71 7 Oct 18

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The irony is that white people are worshipping a human named Jesus who was more than likely black or brown and using it as a basis fro white supremacy. it's amazing how much the original story has been twisted. Jews hated Romans at the time of Christ yet it was the Romans who edited and given us the modern Jesus story. In fact , One of the requirement of the jewish messiah that jesus is supposed to be is that he would be a warrior king who would vanquish Jewish Enemies from Jerusalem


One might think so, but it's complicated. The same religion also played a major role in helping free them, and is often major a source of sustenance and hope. Slavery was once common around the globe regardless of the religion. And let's not forget about European serfdom and indentured servitude.

Yep... you beat me to it... (that response that is)

One could argue that perhaps the most inspirational Biblical story was not so much Christian, but Jewish in origin: the Exodus story.

@p-nullifidian Almost. But unfortunately a classic example of cherry-picking and lack of context which I've heard Christians point to in a desperate attempt to defend the bible. If only this story and the Bible in general wasn't so exclusive to God's supposedly "favorite/chosen" group, and there weren't the troubling passages, also in Exodus, which make clear that such noble ends didn't extend to other peoples. Not to mention that Jewish archaeologists have found zero confirmatory evidence for the story. I would characterize it as what could have been its most inspirational story, were it not for the man-made-up and unenlightened tribal shortcomings of its non-divine inspiration.


Yes, including the religion of those africans that would hunt their peers to deliver them to the slave trader ships waiting at the coast.

@Green_Soldier71 While I appreciate your moral outrage, and myself see the condoning of slavery in the Bible as a go-to argument against Christianity (and for those who point out that''s the Old Testament, I like to point out, among numerous shortcomings I could cite about Jesus, that he never uttered a word in condemnation against slavery), again the issue isn't as clear-cut as you seem to imply. I'm no expert and realize there could be exceptions, but it seems quite natural that if you are warring with neighboring tribes and take captives, that in such a circumstance, most would not have any compunction about doing what they did. How much scenarios may have deviated from that I don't know? And I've also seen indication that some of these conflicts were instigated by the traders.

@Rossy92 My comment really goes toward the idea that perhaps it is not the religion in itself the one that drives people to hold slaves supported by their scriptures. Slavery is and has been widespread in the world, so I doubt that one religion or another would be the basis or excuse for it. It really is a matter of that tribalism that allowed us to evolve as species and now we don’t know what to do with it. And the white supremacists and the slave traders, and the slave hunters, Jews, Palestinians, Europeans and colonized indigenous peoples (and I could go on), are and were all acting out of an unchecked tribal instinct


I don’t need to understand it.
I need to accept it and the confusion I have about it.
I need them to give me the same courtesy.


Isn't this just an extension of the enslavement of the hearts and minds of every Xstian believer? Religion seeks to enslave the mind and crush the spirit of freedom in order to control everyone under its power.

@Thirst2learn Are any power systems that are based upon an elite few garnering power and control over others as their ultimate goal any different? Communism, Capitalism, Theocracy - same shit on a different day.


Gonna have to give a big hell yes


Found this on fb and thought it relevant.


Good luck telling that to my Parents and Family...


"Self-respecting'' probably has nothing to do with it. Think of how many Muslim women embrace Islam...a belief system which allows their husbands to beat/divorce and even kill them. It probably stems from the old adage that "Xtians aren't perfect....Jesus was" and the idea that their god will love them if they really, really, REALLY try to be ''good.''


I never understood the African American concept that their historical religion was the Muslim faith. I was under the impression that Muslim belief migrated from the Arabs down through Africa replacing the individual tribal religions/gods.

And, historically the Arabs ( Muslims) were just as big Slave traders as were the Europeans, if not even bigger.

I don't know for the trade of enslaved people in USA, but in Brazil for example this was done in central and south african regions, on the atlantic coast where Islam was not present.
The local religions were polytheist and looks more like greek and other mediterranean polytheism.

In Brazil they are still alive and developed differently from the original ones (mostly because people from different regions were mixed and literacy was not something that you want on enslaved people).


Wasn't Christianity also used to argue for emancipation?
I think any religion would have been used to justify slavery as it was very lucrative for the slave owners. Morality is fluid and varies as per the convenience of the powerful in the society.


Unfortunately, religious brainwashing is powerful from all religions.


Your view is exactly why so many changed their religion. Ali comes to mind as one of them. His name and religion change was not because he found some greater religious truth but because he could no longer go along with our American sham.


What a shameful part of our history. Whenever I see a confederate flag, I give it the middle-finger salute.


I can only guess about the motives of black people that are members of Christian churches, but it's important to remember that black churches have historically functioned as much or more as institutions of mutual aid and organization for black communities than as religious centers. As far back as in slavery days, the black churches were the one situation where slaves could gather together in the absence of white people and in their church gatherings would often communicate with each other about news of the country, the Civil War, escape from slavery, etc. They would communicate in code much of the time because the slave owners would usually make sure the black preacher they brought in for services was loyal to the slave owners.

To this day, many black churches are more about being centers of mutual aid, political organizing, and such than about religion for their communities.


That may puzzle me to the end.. Yet there are the ‘justice thomas’ of the nation, who’d likely bring slavery back ..with religious zeal!

Varn Level 8 Oct 18, 2020

It has always made me wonder why the people who were abused and taken as slaves would adopt the religion or beliefs of those that enslaved them. Perhaps self preservation?

Slaves were beaten to believe. But the menatally strong slaves who were strong enough to slap the slaves back into reality were either beaten to death or were hung in front of the slaves showing the weak minded slaves there dominance. It is a whole mental abuse and brake the alave into submission. In the bible it tells how they did it. Slaves were not only black they were all race. But that was not successful when everyone was united and fought together. This has been years and years of perfecting the system of enslavement. They never talk about that because that is part of the programing. They had to seperate that. Best way was to seperate the people by seeing the one race is below and is the enemy. See them like they are not even human.
Next step was to target the spirit the soul of them all. Which makes them spiritually and mentally strong. Break their minds. The bible is a mind thing. People take it literally but in reality it is the battle that some of these characters took in the mental mind. That is why it contradicts itself a lot. Seek and yet shall find knock and the door will be open to you. Matthew 7:7. Because it your journey to coming back to yourself. The war that is going in your head. Breaking chains that were put upon you. Breaking beliefs that were put on you as a kid. PTSD that runs through the blood line. Alto of people do not have the capacity to think for themselves. But follow like sheep.

I myself had that experience with my family. They are so severely programmed to believe that the book is literally and not internally. That they would actually beat, shun and it goes as far as they are crazy. They are so severely stuck in the slave mind and what they been taught that they will go to levels of violence. Like barccistic trying to kill me mentally until I submit to that beliefs system. It literally got verbally and physically abusive. Because they believed I was the devil and i was going to drag everyone to hell. I went to Buddhism. That was really the most demonizing thing that definitely put the cake on the icing to be persecuted. What people do not realize including my family is that they are slaves and the government or whoever is behind enslavement already got them programmed as a slave and they use the people to keep them in control. They are forever enslaved in the mind to that doctrine. They believe that practiced freed them. But because the lack of understanding and how lost they are in there mind it did more harm than It did of freeing.
The thing is with any inspirational teaching for the mind can be used as good. But if it is in the wrong hands of a false teacher who only wants power. Then it can be used for dark purposes. Which the bible was used to enslave the people. But it also so the spirit of truth will come. Which is dellusions and illusion will fall. That is what is happening now. Riots, another stand. Fight that is going on is eternal and a lot people don't realize that. It is mental thickly muddied with abuse. That continues down the line.
The other question to ask also white or light skinned people choose to hang on to such a deteoriating belief that black or brown complexion individuals deserve to be treated not like a human and to be feared like a spider? How can they live with themselves for letting it go on for so long? To me that makes individuals like that inhuman. So much injustice that has been allowed for to many years.
That is why they can't see what we see. They are blind and lost. Stuck in chains that they don't even know that they are their.

@Green_Soldier71 Good point o’ view!!


Religion amounts to slavery of the mind rather than slavery of the body. The former can destroy people's ability to think, the latter can destroy people's lives.

Do you believe it is the foundation?

@yaya87 The foundation of what?

@anglophone the foundation of slavery.

@yaya87 I have no idea.

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