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Neil Degrasse Tyson: Asteroid could buzz cut Earth the day before the presidential election

Dyl1983 8 Oct 19

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And once again, drump will have no plan, and will have scrapped any existing plans........


Eh, why not.


Publicity stunt, bad for science, people will be saying later, WTF were you talking about. This clown is taking up where Hawking left off, becoming a publicity hound . . . . . Hawking had his reasons, but I don't see that here with this clown though.


It is only a matter of time to the next mass extinction event!!

Do not worry, be happy!!!

I already voted also!!!


Good thing I already voted.


Happens several times a year

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 20, 2020

Be careful it might land in yellow stone... Then we all F#@'"...


Too small for any worry. If only it was big enough to hit the Orange Menace and take him out - that would make me wonder about an outside force in the universe (note, I didn't say god).


If it takes out 45 I'll convert and believe in god. 😀

Leelu Level 7 Oct 19, 2020

Noooooo... 😂😂

Seriously, it would make one think!


Sounds about right - fits in with everything else going on !


Maybe it'll land on trump.

We couldn’t be so lucky!

@Redheadedgammy True, but it was a nice thought though.

It would make no difference anyway as he already has no brain.

Lol yea and hopefully it’ll be at one of his rallies and take some Jesus freaks along also!!

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