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They're in facilties that are so clean and well taken care of. Trump lied about immigrant children in cages. Lincoln Project reminded him. Shame on you Trump!!!!! Agree/Disagree???

sassygirl3869 9 Oct 23

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Trump is a despicable excuse for a human being. Everything he does wreaks chaos and destruction.


Page doesn't exist, message.


He lied so much. I'd like to stick him in a cage. about locking Barron up in a a nation far away....with no love, no guidance, no family....just him and soldiers who speak a foreign language? (Come to think of it....I'd really rather see Princess Perfect in that situation, wouldn't you? THAT would get the pustule's attention.)


Want to bet these kids still cry themselves to sleep every night?

They are Scarred for life due to trump. It’s so horrible. My heart aches for those precious kids.

@Redheadedgammy Me, too! I'm afraid we're raising a group of pre-programmed terrorists.

The US Govt simply MUST provide these children with therapy....after (IF) we can reunite them with their families!


Because kids care about nothing but hugs, no bedtime stories, no shoulder rides...
His lack of empathy is ASStounding!!!!!

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