Watching Trump talk in Lansing, I see bird shit all over the front of the podium. I guess they cannot keep the birds away from crapping on him. Is this part of a spell by witches?
This is the same venue that Trump got the people to so they could hear what he had to say but neglected to figure out that they might want to get home. Some ended up in the Hospital and everyone had trouble getting back home. He wants you to hear what he has to say but does not give a shit about the people themselves. From now on I will refer to Trump as the "Covid Superspreader, People Freezer", or perhaps just "Killer in Chief".
"Watching Trump talk in Lansing"
Why? A glutton for punishment perhaps? Watching Trump speak is at the bottom of my list, just above hearing him talk. When I hear his voice I have the same reaction as the time I tried to remove a cat from the hood of my car, but her claws scratched across the entire metal surface--what a sound!
It might follow, Mitch's hands turned mummy colors, and his face was bruised.
It could be witches, I never thought about it, I assumed Trump was slapping his hands with a ruler for some minor infraction.
Trump is a piece of shit. He fits right in.
Nice that you get right to the point and do not mince words LOL